Chapter 29: Abilities

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Lex sat at his desk tapping through his fan sites, he tended to peruse them on occasion, to gauge the reaction of the world to certain actions and articles. It was necessary for him to check the "trends" and the internet was like one big ongoing public opinion poll. It seemed that quite a few people liked the idea of him being in a monogamous relationship, and that he was now living in a rural setting. Luthor Corp's stocks had gone up when the article about he and Clara had gone out. His stock broker said the possibility of him marrying and having children in the future, which so far hadn't seemed likely due to his habits, was increasing confidence in the future of the company. Clara was actually getting a lot of good press, he saw their relationship even had a fan website. They'd somehow gotten hold of her Yearbook photo, which indicated someone in Smallville had been providing information. There was also negative press from his usual stalkers, some women, and some men, could get very obsessive. He'd keep an eye on Clara's pages, just to make sure no one was getting too interested in her.

Clara must not be handling this well, she'd made no attempt to contact him. Perhaps she was angry with him? He couldn't imagine her angry, maybe embarrassed and upset? Going to school yesterday couldn't have been fun for her. Adolescents could be cruel, especially when you were different, or they were jealous of you. He'd experienced that at the hands of Queen in Excelsior. He should have known better than to show affection in public, his father never had.

A member of his security team knocked and entered the living room.

"Mr Luthor, Mr Kent is here to see you."

Lex balked slightly, Jonathan Kent must have seen the article. He'd not considered Clara's family, he would not be pleased.

"Should I tell him to come back another time."

"No Carl, show him in."

"Yes Mr Luthor."

Jonathan Kent walked in confidently to the lavish surroundings. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his worn plaid shirt, jacket, faded jeans and work boots. Everything about Jonathan Kent told the story of a man who worked honestly for a living. His tanned skin and wild blonde hair, his worn clothes spoke of winters and summers ploughing fields and raising cattle. Despite his worn appearance, Lex noticed the ring on his finger was still polished and shining, as if he cleaned it every night. This was a man who loved his wife, and took pains to preserve the symbol of their union. Jonathan Kent was a family man. Everything his own father was not, everything he envied and one day everything he hoped to be. A good man.

"Mr Luthor..." Jonathan began, Lex cut him off:

"Lex, please."


Lex, you seem like an intelligent young man, I'm sure you know why I'm here."

"Yes Mr Kent, you're here to tell me to stop spending time with your daughter."

"No, I'm not."

Lex was startled.

"Then why are you here Mr Kent?"

"I'm not going to beat around the bush Lex. Clara is a very special young woman. But she is also inexperienced in the world. She likes to see the good in everyone. But, we both know not everyone has good intentions. Now, she wants to be your friend, and she'd 18, that's her choice. But we both know that your family have a track record of hurting those closest to them. I don't know what your plans are towards my daughter, but as much as I don't like it I'm not here to warn you away. That would hurt Clara too much. Instead, I'm telling you right now, if you ever hurt my daughter, you will suffer the consequences."

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