Chapter 31: Christmas Decorating

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Lex sat at his desk, his default position these days it seemed, and stared at the towering tree in the corner of the room, bare and almost ominous. He'd seen it at the Lang boy's shop and has felt the buying impulse. Luthor's were nothing if not showy. But now he didn't really know what to do with it. He hadn't celebrated Christmas properly since his mother passed, she'd always made an effort to make it special, especially as his father was often away. Lex has always preferred that to when he was there. His mother would always plan a big party that included all the staff, not working, just enjoying themselves, most of the staff lived in the house with their families then, and they'd all shared Christmas dinner together. It was an unspoken rule that if Mr Luthor was home for Christmas, there would be no group celebrations. Lionel was like the reincarnation of Scrooge. Everything was about power displays, elaborate gifts, class definitions and inviting powerful people they didn't care about. Lex preferred eating Turkey with the staff, playing with their children, and the safety and security of the holiday when it was just he and his mother. When she was gone, the laughter had stopped, and he'd spent every holiday with business leaders and politicians until the age of 18, when he'd found other...pursuits to draw him away. Which was why he had no idea what had possessed him to buy this tree, perhaps to revive a ghost of a happy memory? But now he had it what would he do with it?

He was disturbed from his reverie by Gladys, his new PA, walking in with her clipboard and square rimmed glasses. She was a stern woman, middle-aged, and not to be trifled with. Part of the reason Lex chose her was because she in no way attracted him, young women in his employ often tried to get too close. Since meeting Clara the attention of his female staff had started to bother him, now he knew there was an alternative. The majority of his latest hires had been male or older women.

"Mr Luthor, your 10am conference call has been cancelled, and Mrs and Miss Kent have arrived with the morning delivery. Miss Kent has asked to see you if you are amenable." Gladys lifted her nose slightly, she obviously didn't approve. Lex felt a tense knot inside of him loosen, Clara was here, maybe she wasn't put off by the article. He opened his desk draw, looking at the photograph secreted inside framed in silver, and closed it. It wasn't the right time to display it yet.

"I've told you before Gladys, Clara doesn't have to ask, show her up."

Lex stood from his desk and surreptitiously gave himself an examination, nothing rumpled or out of place. A few moments later Clara walked in, her softly curling ebony hair bouncing as she moved, her neck clad in what Lex suspected was a hand knitted blue scarf perhaps made by Martha, and she was in trademark red leather jacket. Her lower half was clad in jeans and work boots. Clara was the picture of health and the outdoors and she was holding a box in her hands.

"Hi Lex, thanks for seeing me, I know how busy you are."

"I'm never too busy for you Clara. How have you been? I haven't heard from you since Gotham."

Lex decided to cut to the quick, was she angry, embarrassed? Repulsed at the idea people now considered them a couple? He leaned back against the front of his desk, at 5 ft 11, Clara was very close to his 6 ft, but subconsciously he didn't want to seem threatening so lounging on the desk gave him an air of relaxation. It seemed to work, because it lured Clara closer, so she could get eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry about that, things have just been...awkward at school."

Lex's forehead creased, as Clara tilted her head inwards, causing hair to fall into her eyes. Lex's hand automatically reached out and brushed it behind her ear. Her hands were full with the box, it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Clara's lip quirked.

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