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Hello everybody!
How are we doing?
Hope you're doing fine.
Especially at this time.

I knoe this is all sudden but I'll have to put this story on hold.
Everything is just not going my way and I feel like shit.
Imma have to rant this in here, feel free to go.

I am pretty much having trouble loving myself.
I know we all do, but i always feel like I'm the only one.
I am very much insecure and right now my parents are comparing me to my older brother on how much he has gotten thinner while I just got fatter...
It hurts me to be honest and I just want to cry all day.
I had a friend back then and she was really pretty... she still is...
My parents are also comparing me to her...
how she got those tall nose..
fair skin..
She's also tall..
and probably got thinner by now...
I feel really horrible about.. me..
Everything about me just doesn't feel right.
I don't have thigh gaps
I don't have a slim body
my belly is always sticking out
i have a big nose
so much pimples
and all of those just feel really disgusting
I'm really trying my hardest to just accept everything
But living in the philippines where people body shame anyone even your own family... isn't really helping much..
I want to ignore all of those bad opinions, but sadly I can't.
I even thought of K!ll!ng myself just so I won't have to hear those bad things...
I may seem the bubbly person everyone always sees. But that's just a mask.
I don't want to worry them
I don't wanna cry in front of them
Yet, I want them to see that I'm hurting..
I may be over reacting...
I really just wanna d!3...

Sorry about this post.
I'll try and be positive for everyone, but for now I need a break.
Thank you for reading and supporting my book
I promise to be back☺️❤️

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