4: How To Shop For Couches With Your Picky Neighbor

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"What?" Killua called out after Gon, who was walking out of the apartment. "I'm not going furniture shopping with you," He snapped, grabbing Gon's wrist. Gon stopped and turned to face Killua with a confused look on his face. Killua dropped his hold on Gon as soon as he got his attention and got him to stop walking.

"Why not? You need furniture, so let's get furniture," Gon said very matter-of-factly like he was explaining the answer to one plus one. Killua narrowed his eyes and shook his head. He crossed his arms and jutted out his hip like he was prepared to list out all the reasons why this little spontaneous endeavor wouldn't work. And he did.

"One: I hardly know you, and I doubt you're the best person to help me pick out furniture. Two: we'll have no way to get it to my apartment. Three: we don't know how to assemble it, so it'll just sit in my apartment, unopened, unassembled, collecting dust. Plus, assembling furniture is a lot of work. Four: I need a bed, couch, coffee table, and whatever else I can't think of now. It's too much to buy and transport in one day. Last but most certainly not least- five: I don't want to," He droned, pinpointing almost every conceivable issue. He put a finger up for every point, just emphasizing his ideas. He crossed his arms again, looking at Gon with a smug facial expression, assuming he'd won. Little did he know, Gon Freecss will forever be the most stubborn and persistent S.O.B in the world. But just wait, Killua was about to find this out the hard way.

Gon smirked at Killua. He was about to ruin this man's whole career. "One: you'll never get to know me if you keep using that excuse to not hang out with me. Two: I have a truck, we can put whatever we buy in the bed of it. Easy transportation provided by yours truly. Three: as a matter of fact, I happen to be amazing with a set of tools. Plus, there are instructions for every piece of furniture. So, we can just follow along. We can build it together, and it'll, be great. Four: we can purchase multiple things today, put the ones on hold that we can't bring home, and then come back for it another day. Five: no one wants to go furniture shopping, but you need to. We can't keep having lunch on the floor," He concluded, with a satisfied look on his face. Killua, on the other hand, was looking at Gon, just blinking dumbfoundedly. He didn't know Gon was capable of thinking things through like that.

"Who said we're going to keep having lunch together?" Killua asked with a lighter tone. Gon's look of superiority softened, replaced by a small, warm smile.

"I did. Now, let's go already," He said, swinging his keys in circles around his finger, already starting to walk down the hall. Killua watched him walk away before cursing under his breath and chasing after the stubborn boy.


"Okay, well, what about this one?" Gon asked, patting the top of the sofa like a proud car salesman. Today, Gon and Killua had agreed to focus on finding a couch. Killua said he wanted to order his mattress online so that it would arrive compressed in a box: easier to set up and get to his apartment that way. And anything else, Killua said he'd order online. So, a couch was the only item on the docket today.

The couch Gon was showing off was white, sleek, and simple. It had three cushions meaning it could probably fit three people. It was also the twentieth couch Gon showed him. It turns out, Killua had an extremely picky taste.

Killua eyed it up and down, one eyebrow raised. He shook his head, and Gon groaned.

"What's wrong with it this time?" He griped. Looking it over, the couch seemed fine. Comfortable, stylish, somewhat affordable.

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