chapter one: life as it was

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"Tick, tock.. Tick, tock.."

The clock rang inside the gloomy, noiseless room where eight-year-old Y/N was sitting in.

The little girl quietly scrawled through the additional homework that her father had given her that night.

She took a nimble peak at the overworked gray-haired man sitting in front of her, careful to not let him notice. Watching him, her father's eyes had been glued to the vivid screen of his computer, his rimless glasses lingering on the bridge of his nose.

His dull gaze, in a flash, moved right to the timid girl.

"Hmm.." He hummed in curiosity. "Doushita no?"

"Ah." Y/N hastily shook her head, directing back to the papers on her table. "Nandemonai.."

Taiki held his stare at his daughter for a few seconds, muttering some words underneath his breath. Y/N couldn't make out what he was saying because of the distance from where they sat. He then returned to work.

"Just do it."

"It wouldn't hurt to ask.. right?"

Taking a hefty breath, she freed the pencil in her (dominant hand) and leapt out of her chair. The imprudent action led to a few of her yellow highlighters to roll off her table, landing on the floor to underneath Taiki's desk.

Taiki's head snapped back to Y/N, his expression now mildly irritated.

"Actually.. there is.. there is something I'd like to ask.."

Taiki let out a fatigued sigh while taking off his glasses, placing them onto his desk.

"What is it?"

"Well.. Rika-chan invited me over to her house tomorrow, so I was wonder–"


".. tock.. Tick, tock.."

With one word coming out of her father's mouth, Y/N knew that the decision was final. And there would be no arguing back.

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Chapter One:
Life as it Was

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He wore his spectacles again and carried on with typing on his keyboard.

Y/N silently laughed to herself.

"Of course."

"Why did I somehow expect something else from him.."

She grabbed another pencil from her small F/C pencil case, although Y/N couldn't help but observe her father through the strands of her H/C hair that hovered over her tiny face.

Taiki, not knowing Y/N was looking at him, took a brief glimpse at the black picture frame beside his computer. While his eyes only passed by the picture of the young boy holding out a peace-sign, in those small moments the girl could feel a gentle warmth from Taiki.

Something which she was sure she'd never be able to feel from her father herself.

Her Nii-san, L/N Rei, passed away when he was ten years old. Three years before Y/N was born.

She had always seen pictures of him growing up, and he gave off an aura that made him seem so.. cheery. Every single image she had of Rei around the house was a face filled with laughter and wide grins.

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