OC Drawing #3

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So uhhhhh about that other OC I mentioned in the last chapter that's connected to Belladonna.... yeah they have kind of a wonky design due to being based on a text symbol and I am genuinely struggling to draw them without making them look really unappealing, sooooo that's gonna take a little bit longer.

I did make another new OC on a whim today!

I did make another new OC on a whim today!

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I found that quote from searching Engrish on Google and looking at the image results, it was on a shirt

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I found that quote from searching Engrish on Google and looking at the image results, it was on a shirt

Right now I've decided that ze's a genderhoarder and ze uses he/him and ze/zim pronouns, but that may change later, idk.

Keep in mind that I also just made this character like, Idk, a half hour ago as of writing this, so I have a vague idea of what his personality is, but I've still gotta think about it for a little bit. As of current time, I like to think of zim as someone who is very Zen and can give very profound advice, but can also be nonsensical and says things that don't make sense. Think of his personality as Candle from II Invitational meets Homsar from Homestar Runner.

He's a box containing those Chinese metal therapy balls that you can fit in the palm of your hand. I actually have one of those in real life, which was the inspiration for this character.

(Man designing object OCs is actually really fun once you get into it)

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