Martyr and Animal

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TW // depiction of S/H, degrading messages, religious symbolism

These were drawn on Sheildy_Offical's Witeboard, they were also done with my finger which is why they're so shit lmao

They're of two OCs I've declared as vent OCs. One is Animal, and the other is a relatively newer OC that I've called Martyr.

(Martyr actually has two sets of wings but I've never drawn them before so I forgot lmao)

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(Martyr actually has two sets of wings but I've never drawn them before so I forgot lmao)

(Martyr actually has two sets of wings but I've never drawn them before so I forgot lmao)

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(Those are bandages on the ground, Ik it might be hard to tell)

So uhhhhhh yeah, basically they represent the clash in my egos and sense of self-worth and all that deep shit. Martyr represents the part of me that still suffers from Golden Child Syndrome, is selfish, entitled, and egotistical, and is desperate for others' attention and validation. Animal represents the part of me who hates that other part of myself and thinks I'm an awful person because of it, gets hung up over every time I accidentally do something wrong, and bites myself when I'm angry or feel I need to "punish" myself, woo edgy. They also represent the violent and dirty thoughts I wish I didn't have and yada yada yada.

Ik making them an angel and a demon is super cliché but listen dark religious themes/imagery are cool okay

I'll make better drawings of them later because these are wack lmao

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