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Hi! I just wanted to say thank you so, SO much for, 1. 30k reads?? What the actual fuck- That's amazing! Thank you all! :D AND 2. For 45 FUCKING FOLLOWERS WJERGHWUIJVBWE THANK YOU I CAN'T- AHH!!

I wanted to do a Q'n'A for you all, since I thought it'd be fun! Ask me any question, and I'll do my best to answer them! :)



0Little0Potato0 -

What's The Most Toxic Fandom You Know? -

The Gacha fandom, honestly it's getting out of hand, and I'm still apart of the fandom. But if we're talking about games/shows, than I would say FNAF or MHA. The toxic ones are extremely scary. I once said I hadn't watched MHA and got yelled at by like 3 people on how I'm trash. Like I am, but still. :(

Purple or Red? -

Purple- Or Red- I- Purple I don' t know. I would say purple if we're talking SS, but I dunno- Purple. I'd dye my hair purple. :)

First Fandom You Were In? -

Like from actuality? Power Puff Girls. I watched the hell out of that show, and I still watch it sometimes if I'm not asleep or crying. Or being horny. Yeah. But like, the first one I participated in? Sanders Sides, Gacha Verse/Life/Club, or Heathers. But most defiantly Gacha.


Sanders Sides OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora