raptor dream & phil

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Somniumraptor (dream thief): Is a 6 foot (2 meters i think idk I'm American) dinosaur part of the Dromaeosaurid family. It is covered in feathers only stopping at mouth and feet. It is very fast with a top speed of 25-20 mph. It weighs 660-2,200 pounds. (For dream his colors are green and white)

Corvusraptor (crow thief ): is a small dinosaur part of the Dromaeosaurid family. Adults get to the height of a large dog. One unique feature about this small dinosaur is that ability of powered flight like modern day birds. Theses raptors had giant fathered wings used for flying and gliding. They where also scavengers and predators eating what ever they could find. They seemed to live in small flocks or packs ranging from 4-6 members. They have hollow bones making it easier to fly. They're top speed while flying is unknown and it is believed they could have reached speeds of 17 mph. (All of them were solid black or looked like magpies)

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