i made an ai right random stuff

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Wilbur soot is a popular minecraft streamer, youtuber, and musician, who shares real life observations in a different (but extremely similar) style from that of popular YouTubers. He, like many other YouTubers, took his viewers to his old school. Wilbur takes viewers into the minecrafters legend of the app called "TaleWars" which offers a variant of Minecraft which focuses on speech and conversation between real-life players, for example, a young man could share his life stories in a realm where the trees could talk!

With the success of Jadusable's lecture, some of the mods that populated the chatrooms and forums have developed into full-fledged games which could cause a rift in the community. An alt-game of "MineR", a physics based building game, is already causing tension among the game-makers and their player base. Minecraft mods have always had a large, but friendly user base, but this is the first time the mods have been adapted as a traditional game. However, if the mods continue on with this story-focused style, they might just be able to successfully make the transition.A recent release for MineR, titled "Fort Tusk", has been met with an overwhelmingly positive response from the community. Yet, the developers behind the title, DraftInk, continue to ensure that "Fort Tusk" is neither to "draw attention away from minecraft nor to take away from minecraft".In my opinion, the only difference between this game and others in the development phase, is the direct involvement of the community.

Dream is a well known minecraft speedrunner. He is the founder of the DreamSMP, a minecraft sever known for it's complex storyline staring famous MCYTs like, TommyInnit, TechnoBlade, Philza, WilburSoot, Fundy, Karl Jacobs, SapNap, GeorgeNotFound, Ranboo, Tubbo, Skeppy, BadBoyHalo, and many more. His community is known for it's controversy but in reality it's a very welcoming place. He is also known for the ship between him and his friend GeorgeNotFound called DreamNotFound or DNF. Many even question if it is a legitimate friendship or something more serious. But I choose to believe that George and Dream are just friends. Another well known member is the awesome monochromatic gamer. He is known for being incredibly talented in both minecraft and paint.. (i deleted the rest of the sentence whoops)

Dream is a well known minecraft speedrunner. He is the founder of the DreamSMP, a minecraft sever known for it's complex storyline staring famous MCYTs like, TommyInnit, TechnoBlade, Philza, WilburSoot, Fundy, Karl Jacobs, SapNap, GeorgeNotFound, Ranboo, Tubbo, Skeppy, BadBoyHalo, and many more. His community is known for it's controversy but in reality it's a very welcoming place. He is also known for the ship between him and his friend GeorgeNotFound called DreamNotFound or DNF. The DreamSMP gains a lot of views due to it's massive lore, from the rise and fall of L'manberg, to time traveling, to a possessive egg, anarchy and voices, gayness and fruitness, to pandora's vault, the list goes on and on for the lore of the DreamSMP.

The TL;DR version of the DreamSMP/DWONJ relationship is that they love each other, but they don't see each other often because Dream is the god of slowplaying, so he usually plays in the mornings, during George's dream, and doesn't play much at all during the day. But when he does, it's usually a great time. Also, as a culmination of some of the newer stuff added in DWONJ, players have been causing the map to end in riots. Tons of people are getting banned for just playing. The last riot happened on January 3rd, 2018, so if you still have the login in the dream mode you might want to change it. There's been talk of banning GNS altogether because of how many complaints it has gotten but it's unlikely that they'll ever do that. It's almost as though they (this is getting weird)


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