Alternative Ending

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This takes place after Jisung gets hurt because a friend gave me the greatest idea to make an alternative ending with the ending they thought would happen while reading.

OHKEY- I don't even get why you're reading this.


Jisung limped his way into his house. Taking major convincing to not let Minho come inside because his Mother was home and she does not need to meet him.

"What happen to you?" His Mother sat on the couch with a beer in one hand, the remote in the other.

"Some kids beat me up. Why do you care?" Jisung groans as he sits his bag down.

"What did you do to get beat up?" She asked as Jisung came around the couch to face her.

"What makes you think I did something? I was attack for no reason." Jisung knots his brows at her.

"Everyone does something to get beat up. What did you do? Call them a name? Beat them at a game? Hit them in the hallway? What did you do, you little brat?" She says.

"I got beat up because they seen me kiss a boy! Okay!" He snaps but instantly regrets it when her eyes widen.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell!" He rambles out as she stands. He begins cowering away. Ready to run if necessary. Even if he was not in any condition to run.

"With the way you're acting and being a little pansy, you deserve it!" She shouts before raising her hand and slapping Jisung across his bruised face.

He lets out a cry as he stumbles back into the hallway and rushes to his room. Not wanting anymore pain to be inflicted.

He locks himself in his room as he shakily reaches in his pockets for his cigarettes and a lighter.

He knew he said he would quit for Minho but dear god was he in so much pain and all he needed was to relieve it.

He pulls the pack out and cries again when he seen it was empty.

"It's okay. You can go without." Jisung whispered to himself as he sits on the bed.

Jisung takes a deep breathe as he runs his hands up and down his thighs. He closes his eyes to hopefully calm his urges to breathe in nicotine.

Moments of that was his foot tapping and his brain was practically screaming.

Jisung opens his eyes as he realizes that he couldn't wait and had to go get some.

Jisung stands from his bed and makes his way over to his window. He minds his injuries as he climbs out the window and sneaks past the living room window.

He would have usually ran with the urges he was having but his body was seriously in no shape to run.

He had bruises all body that lead up to his face that was covered in cuts and even more bruises. His body ache and usually Jisung was with pain but this was something else.

Jisung takes a little longer to get to the convenient store. The familiar family business sign hung above the door.

Usually Jisung would put on his best smile to get his cigarettes from Yoongi but he just couldn't muster one today.

Maybe Yoongi would feel pity on him by how he looks.

Jisung enters the store and Yoongi looks up from his phone at the sound of the bell.

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