My VAT7K Journey

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bean_bag0 just posted a chapter about how she came about VAT7K. So in follower fashion I'm doing the same.

About 4 years ago when Tangled the series came out, I was not interested. I had no cable and was confused about why Rapunzel was a blond again. But as soon as the pilot movie came out on my aunt's cable TV I was hooked. I wanted to watch more so I got Disney Now. Disney Now gets you a couple episodes a week. With Disney Now I got a couple episodes of season 1. What the Hair, Pascal's Story,, Ruthless Ruth, Painter's Block, and Secret of the Sundrop.
So I missed many episodes and I didn't know much, but I knew Varian and that'swhat matters. Then I watched season 2 and 3. Season 3 destroyed me by the way. Then I watched season 1. After season 3 I scoured the internet for all things Tangled. That's how I found Varian and the Seven Kingdoms. Awesome concept by Kaitlyn Ritter and Anna Lencioni. So that's my story what's yours?

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