Chapter 5: Of Life and of Magic

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As the blinding light soon subsided Ruby and Ambrose found themselves in the middle of the colosseum. They looked up at where they were once sitting the match before to see it occupied by the others.

"Okay!" Mark yelled "Competitors, shuffle and cut each others' decks!"

Ruby and Ambrose took each others decks and shuffle and cut them before handing them back to each other.

"Good Luck," Ruby whispered to Ambrose.

"You too," Ambrose whispered back.

"Now Ruby, go to the red side and Ambrose, go to the blue."

Ruby and Ambrose both walked to their respective sides.

When they both got to their respective sides, Mark asked, "Ruby Rose, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be?"

"Merle Ambrose, are you ready?"

"I suppose I am."

"You do you think is going to win?" Mao Mao asks Jotaro, "I personally think Ambrose has this."

"I think that too," Jotaro responds back.

Mark's screen changed to a picture of Ruby and Ambrose with the background colors of red and blue, and with LP: 4000 underneath each of their pictures.


Ruby: 4000 LP

Ambrose: 4000 LP

Both Ruby and Ambrose drew five cards each.

Ambrose: You can go ahead.

Ruby: Thanks. I set a monster face-down. I'll also set another card face down before activating the Field Spell Card Black Garden. Suddenly the sky went dark as vines sprouted the entire stadium, inside and out. With that, I end my turn.

Mao Mao: That's it?!

Jotaro: That's probably all she can do for now.

Ambrose: Alright, my turn. I draw. I activate my Field Spell, Sorcerous Spell Wall. Suddenly, a yellow glowing pentagram below the duelist field the stadium with light. Next I activate the Continuous Spell Magician's Right Hand. A glowing yellow orb appeared to the right of Ambrose. Then I set a card face-down, before I end my turn.

Mao Mao: Him to?!

Jotaro: Are you gonna be like this the entire duel?

Mao Mao: Can it!

Jotaro: Good freaking grief.

Ruby: My turn! Draw! (Internally) That's not gonna be useful. I set a monster then end my turn.

Mao Mao: Am I having an aneurysm, what is happening right now?!

Ambrose: I draw. (Internally) Still no monsters? What bad luck. I end my turn.

Mao Mao: Gahhh!

Jotaro at this point just tuned Mao Mao out.

Mark: Come on! This is getting boring! Hurry and summon a monster already!

Ruby: My turn! Draw! (Internally) Oh come on! Again?! I set another monster then end my turn!

Mao Mao and Mark: Auuugh!

Ambrose: I draw. (Internally) Good, I have a monster now, but I can't summon it yet. I end my turn.

Mao Mao at this point just kept his mouth shut.

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