Chapter 5

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Annie's pov

Class was fun as always and ended. Okay, I am a nerd. So what? And....I am getting bullied by some Jerks named Emily and Katie. Finnick or my friends don't know this fact and I am never going to tell them. Why you ask? Because I don't want to be the loser of our group and people will get hurt only because they stood up for me. I can't risk that. 

Anyways I checked my schedule to figure out my next class, which was...Science with Mr.Beetee! Unfortunately, my friends were not in science, and only Finnick was in it. 'It is going to be awkward' I thought. I think I had been thinking for some time because Finnick was shouting to my ears. "WE SHOULD GO TO SCIENCE CLASS QUICKLY!! HELLO????? SUGAR FOR YOUR THOUGHTS?" 

As embarrassed I was, I pretended that my ears hurt and shouted back, "OWW MY EAR HURTS!!". We ran for Science class and sat at a empty table, which sucked because Finnick was right next to me, which meant blushing the whole time. Even though it was science class, I kept thinking about other things, like how Emily is going to hit me in lunch and about Finnick's voi...... "Ms.Cresta!", I heard Mr.Beetee calling me. "Yes Mr.Beetee?", I asked, blushing. "Pay attention to the class. What did I just say?" 

Of course I didn't know, so I mumbled, "Sorry Mr. Beetee, I wasn't listening because I was distracted." Mr.Beetee answered back, "It's Okay, but this is a warning". I sighed in relief and the bell rang. My fear came back and soon, I was out of my thoughts by Finnick. Again. Finnick asked, "Are you Okay? You seem a little pale." 

I stuttered, "Of course I'm fine! Hahaha. I was just thinking about art and how I am going to plan the new design." Finnick seemed a little suspicious, but luckily moved on. We went to the cafeteria and saw Gale, Madge, and Katniss waiting for us. "Where have you two been? You guys are ten minutes late!" "Sorry", Finnick apologized. "It's fine. Let's go eat lunch!", said Katniss. 

A/N : Sorry for the late update

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