Chapter 6

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Annie's pov

We went to lunch with Finnick still worrying about me.  To be honest, I was a tad bit nervous about the reaction when I finally tell the group about Emily and Katie. I was just hoping that they would not appear in front of the gang and bully me. I must have been lost in thoughts again, because I heard Finnick ask, "Are you sure you're okay Ann? You have been lost in thoughts during the whole class and in lunch time too? What are you thinking about?". As I blush about the nickname Finnick called and answered, "Nothing. I was just thinking about the design I told you about earlier. He said, "Right. That? You know I think something is bothering you, but I don't know what."

We talked, not noticing our friends staring. I started to notice Finnick getting fustrated and quickly said, "I don't want to talk about this right now. " Katniss said, "Annie what are you and Finnick talking about? What's bothering you? You never talk like this." "Fine, You know Emily and Katie, they bully me for being a nerd." I see my friends suprised and get embarrased. " Seriously? How did they tease you?" asked Marvel. 

As I was about to answer, I saw Emily and Katie coming towards me and hoped they will not come near, but they sensed by distress and came. "Well hello Annie, I just got a rumor that you had been stealing my boyfriend Finnick. You know I can ruin your life right?" she says. "I am? Im not your boyfriend!", answered Finnick. I was just all so stressed and ran into the nearest room. 

Finnick's pov

Even though I wanted to fight Emily and explain to my friends, I had to find Annie first, so I ran out, searching for her. "Annie?Annie!" I shouted, searching for the rooms. At last, I found the room she was hiding in and she was crying. Deep down, I knew I liked her, so I planned to ask her out tonight after talking to her. 

"Annie, are you okay?", I asked. She didn't answer and keep crying. I knew talking would not work now, so I hugged her. I sensed Annie was suprised, but calmed down. I let her go and said, "I'm sorry. It's all my fault." She answered, "Actually, its none of your fault. Sorry for wasting your time." I really wanted to say I liked her, so I did and she was really suprised. "Really? You like me?" "Yes. Actually I liked you the moment we met!". Shyly, she answered back, "Me too."

I was so relived and we slowly leaned in and kissed. 

Katniss's pov

I was so worried and confused of how Annie ran out with Finnick following her. They still hadn't returned yet and it has been 30 minutes! As I was about to call them, they came in the cafeteria and I was so relieved. But then, I became confused because they holded hands. I guess I knew they will be couples somehow, but now, I was deeply confused because of the events that happened before. 

"Annie, you okay?", Gale first broke the silence. "Yeah", said Annie shyly. I could sense that all of us was relieved and I said, "So, what happened?" After they explained the events to us, I was so happy for them! "I knew you would be couples!!!!" shouted Madge. Meanwhile, Cato said, "30 bucks, Clove. You are so bad at betting"

Clove got annoyed, but soon let it go when Finnick said, "sleepover at my place tonight at 3" I was glad that everything turned out great between all of us and even though Annie still is getting bullied, she told us. 

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