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All translations are at the end of the chapter, enjoy!

Sunflower May

Stepping out of the crowded building Sunny can finally breath a breath of relief. Glancing at the sky she notices the sun quickly setting as the usually quiet streets of Yorkshire bustle with life.

Children coming back from school, adults getting off work, cars zooming past as the busses follow closely behind, It was officially the end of the day.

She needed to hurry back to the shop! She remembered as she automatically began walking the direction she had come from.

Oh Margret and Georgie must be tired of waiting for me, I have kept them far too long! Sunny thought, scolding herself for not checking the time sooner.

As if summoned her phone pinged signaling a new message, knowing fully well it was one of her friends as she barely had anyone else text her.

Sunny fished out her cell phone from her aging brown handbag  quickly opening Margaret's chat.

Hello Love!

Hope all went well with the experiment registration, Georgie and I noticed it was past closing time so we locked up the shop for you.

I've left the keys in your mail box, figured you'd be very tired to return and do it yourself.

Georgie says she won't stop by tomorrow as she has a work trip to Nottingham early in the morning and I won't be able to come over the next few days because Johns family is visiting this week.

We'll try our best to come check on you when we are free, please take care of yourself and update us on how it goes!

With lost of love,

Margret &Georgina

P.S remember to breathe, you'll be fine.

A smile subconscious smile graced the face of the mocha skinned beauty, as she stopped in her tracks.

Of course! Margret and Georgie being the caring people they were locked up the shop.

Why hadn't she thought of this possibility to begin with? That her friends may have already thought ahead of her?

Her dark chocolate orbs once again scanned through the short but informative text message. As Sunny's feet mindless began to carry her into the direction of her town home.

Sunny quickly began to type out her own message of gratitude towards her friends.

Thank you so much you both! How did I get so lucky? Don't worry about it go enjoy your week with your in laws I'll be fine!

Love you too,


As Sunny sent ymall gradual jolt of dread dropped at the pit of her stomach.

Margret and Georgie would be unavailable this week, the realization of it hit Sunny like a ton of bricks.

How was she meant to go through the first and most crucial week of this experiment without the Georgie's courageous smile and Margaret's comforting gaze?

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