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Sunflower Marie May

The warm early summer sun danced on Sunny's dark skin, as she elegantly glided across the shop.

Today was a quiet day being that it was the middle of the week no dates or parties or events as they had all been planned for the weekend.

Sunny knew that this was the calm before the storm as she had anticipated that when Summer had officially started her shop would be jam packed with orders.

Not just because the cash flow was constant but weddings, parties , and events loved flower arrangements and she was all for it.

As Sunny hummed to her self absent minded watching the clock tick by she failed to notice the fast approaching bundle of salt and pepper hair.

"Sunflower Marie May! Why haven't you called that man!" The loud shrill of Margaret's voice booms in the small flower shop.

Uh oh, Sunny needed to hide, NOW.
Because there was nothing scarier than an angry Margaret.

Sunny frantically ducks under the counter top hoping the old woman's vision would fail her and leave her alone, yet it seemed as luck was not on her side today.

"Sunny get your ass up from there I've already seen you!" Margaret shouts from over the counter.

Sunny swears under her breath as she slowly gets up preparing to meet hell.

How did she even find out?

" Oh? Margaret? Back from the fishing trip already? How can I help you this fine day" Sunny nervously speaks as her eyes catch the pointed glare coming from the plump woman.

"Don't give me that young lady! What's this I hear about you ignoring your experiment partner?" Maggie questions, placing a menacing freshly manicured hand on the counter top.

Note to self #20 Ask Maggie who does her nails

"Oh.. that! Um how do you know about that?" Sunny's fidgets as her eyes darts everywhere but where Maggie's heated gaze rests.

" I'm not stupid girl, I've lived far much longer than you have. I know everything. So give me one good reason why you're ignoring the boy" The salt and pepper haired woman states again, deep down she knew that this was nothing more than Sunny's irrational fear and was prepared to deal with something like this as she had expected it to Sunny.

Truthfully Margaret got a call from Georgie who was still in Nottingham for business after she had apparently received an 'urgent call' from one of the employees her name was Lizzy? Or something along those lines Maggie couldn't care to remember but she was from the experiments HQ pleading with her to talk to sunflower.

After hearing a summary Georgie called Maggie to give her a 'quick' visit which she was exactly doing.

Margaret was not going to let Sunny's fear get in the way of her grandchildren!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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