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Vincenzo almost held his breath at the sight, softly setting the grocery bags on the floor her made his way towards her bed.

Her plump heart shaped face only mare inches from his hands.

Giving into the urge to feel her chocolaty skin he brings his large calloused hand to Sunny's soft plush cheeks.

Gently he begins to caress the side of her face, an action Vincenzo was not even aware he could preform,


But with her he could not help but be anything but gentle afraid that his usual roughness would hurt the fragile girl.

He saw her eyes begin to flutter open as she leaned into his touch more, His heart racing at the sight of those dark brown orbs now staring back at him.

He expected her to scream in fright, or jump in horror at the sight of him in her house but instead Sunny surprised him.

Smiling widely at the beast of a man she leaned into his touch muttering two words only audible to him,

"You're here"

And so was she.

Sunflower Marie May

"YOU MET WITH HIM!?" Livy's high pitched scream resonates through the tiny office.

Sunny quickly hushed the frantic blonde, pleading her to quite down as she was sure the entire department had heard her.

"I-I didn't know he would actually enter-r the house!" The mocha girl stumbles out.

It all happened too fast for her, she did not even have time to register the words that fell out of her lips before she succumbed back to sleep.

Sunny's brief interaction with the Greek Adonis of a man had left her feeling more than startled. Sunny has seen many handsome men in her lifetime of singleness but not even her own imagination could not hold a candle light to the mans striking features.

He was absolutely captivating, he looked almost heavenly.

And due to Sunny's sleep induced daze accompanied by the mild aches of pain she was not too sure if she had simply been imaging the man's enchanting presence or he was really there.

However the two overfilled grocery bags left by her door and the fluttering feeling left against her plump cheeks had assured her that the beauty of a man was indeed real.

Livy on the other hand was in complete and utter shock, she left just for a day and already Sunny had broken almost six different protocol rules.

In normal events she would have to disqualify Sunny as the instigator to the reaction and prohibit Vincenzo from qualifying in the next two match ups as the accomplice to this situation, however due to Vincenzo's position in the data base yet alone his line of work. The higher ups would surely only punish Sunny further more the press would have a field day with her.

Sunny didn't deserve that, but yet still if Livy was found out as the one who swept this grave mistake under the rug she could loose her job.

"Do you realize this could jeopardize the entire experiment Sunny? What were you two thinking!" Livy spoke, snapping Sunny's attention back to her electric blue orbs.

The Sheffield Love Experiment Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon