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~Sunflower Marie May~

"So how was your day моя любовь?"
Vincenzo's deep baritone voice echoed through the cozy apartment.

Sunny had been perched up on the comfortable sofa, in a pair of pajamas catching up on the hit Netflix show 'Good girls' when her landline ran.

She had already known who the caller was before she picked up, as she had pathetically anticipated this conversation her entire day.

However today she had made it her mission to have a full get to know conversation with the mysterious man. As tomorrow she would be interrogated by her best friends on him during brunch.

She knew she had to know solid information about him other than his mesmerizing voice and her rabid sex drive.

"It was busy, lots of customers show up on Friday. So I mostly spent the day running around arranging orders. I actually just got home fifteen minutes ago." Sunny answered cheerfully, slightly rambling on as her hands mindlessly playing with her long dark curls.

Sunny could hear him shift through the phone as his voice suddenly sounded closer than before.

"You walked home this late?" Vincenzo asked sternly, a slight jolt of fear and embarrassment ran down Sunny's spine at the tone of his gruff voice.

"Um Y-yes I d-did" Sunny stuttered out, cursing herself for sounding as scared as she felt.

A long deep sigh emitted from the phone followed by a few incoherent muttered words, before she heard his voice speak again.

"My apologies for sounding so rude piccola, i am just worried over your safety. A beautiful woman such as your self should not be walking around at that time alone."Vincenzo stated rather softly.

However Sunny was too stunned by the brisk compliment she had received from him.

He thinks I'm beautiful?

Sunny's mocha skin flushed with a color, a dark blush adorning her sculpted cheeks, as a giddy school girl smile made its way to her plump pink lips.

But he hasn't even seen my face yet? What if he changes his mind when we meet?

Sunny quickly, dismissed her own self degrading thoughts. Sunny wanted to for once allow herself to take a small compliment without having to second guess it.

"It's quite alright Mr Vayéttì, I've walked around at later times. Its only a ten minute stroll to my home." Sunny piped up in hopes of diminishing his worries.

Unbeknownst to her she had only managed to worry the man further.

"Unacceptable, my driver shall begin to accompany you home Sunflower. I need to ensure your safety." Vincenzo said lowly the sound of angry tapping coming from his line.

"Vincenzo that would be quiet unnec-"

"With all due respect Miss May, I will not have you walking in these streets past six pm, many dangerous people lurk about and it would devastate me if you had the misfortune of meeting them. That being said, My driver Tony shall pick you up from your place of work starting Monday."

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