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This chapter contains:

✔Strong language
✔Mature theme's
✔Slightly graphic content

To those uncomfortable with such please only read up to the end of Sunflowers POV. Thank you and Happy reading!

♥~Sunflower Marie May~♥

"Have a good day Mr Heartson!" Sunny said as the middle aged African man waved her goodbye.

"You too deary!" He replies as the soft ring of the shop bell rang behind him.

It was Midday on a Friday also one of Sunny's calmer hours. She called it the calm before the storm as a herd of customers usually flocked in towards five o'clock.

She usually had to close the shop later than usual on Friday, Georgina would accompany her and help where she could.

However her friend was 4 hours away in a board meeting in Nottingham, leaving Sunny to her own devices.

Sunflower began to prep for the busy evening counting inventory to see if there were anything she'd need to quickly pick up at the store, by the corner.

Her mind slowly began to drift to a certain mystery man,

Vincenzo Vayèttí.

Sunny wanted nothing more than to call him and listen to his deep enchanting voice all day.

However Sunny knew she had roughly five more hours of work and stress to drag through before she got to be blessed with that sexy rough velvety voice.

Sunny had found herself often wondering what he looked like, her mind helplessly trying to fit a face to the voice.

Was he tall?

What was the color of his eyes?

How did he style his hair?

Was his skin soft and creamy? Or smooth and chocolaty? Or was he a swirl?

She wanted answers, answers she still needed to wait four entire weeks for.

Sighing Sunny picked up the pretty light yellow diary Livy had dropped off early this morning,

Sunny had recently just entered her shop, and after going through her usual routine of checking flower beds and packing her bags behind the counter, she glided towards the window and turned the beautiful hand crafted sign over revealing the big bold words "Open" towards the outside world.

Sunny knew that she still had about an hour until customers  began to trickle in; a reason as to why she opted to come in earlier than expected, with that in mind she walked towards the storage room grabbing some cleaning supplies and connecting her phone to the Bluetooth speaker.

Sunny's hips swayed to the soft melodic tunes that sounded through the establishment as she peacefully mopped the tiled floors, she loved listening to background noise as she worked.

An odd trait she had picked up from living in Boston , near the train tracks, she often heard a lot of background noise while she did anything while growing up.

For a split second she looked up to catch a glimpse of her 5'5 frame. Sunny's white sundress peaked from the confines of her light brown apron, making its small lilac flowers stand out more.
Her usually untamed dark chocolate hair had been pulled into a messy ponytail atop her head.

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