Do Your Family Proud.

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Dad looks at me and hands me a gun. I stare at it and look back at him.

"I thought you said we weren't going to hurt anyone?" I say.

He scoffs "Are you arguing with me?"

I swallow "No sir" I mutter.

He hits the back of my head "That's what I thought, now put on your mask" He says turning.

I look at my two older brothers who are all grinning, clearly enjoying the thrill of it.

I reach up and pull my rabbit mask over my face.

Ever since I was younger my dad forced me to follow him into robberies with my big brothers. My mom used to do it too until she met to an early death.

Dad has been planning this robbery for a while now. He says it's the last one we'll ever have to do. He brought me and my brother this time and since he handed me a gun means we'll have to kill someone.

I don't want to kill anyone but not doing what dad asks of me is dangerous as well. He's abusive and crafty and cruel about it.

My dad's gang is called Black Blood. Everyone is supposed to wear panther masks but they ran out and dad instead gave me a rabbit mask. He's always hated me and I can tell.

We are all supposed to be dressed in black outfits too but lucky me, they ran out. I ended up wearing black cargo pants with a black heavy leather jacket and spiky boots. It was not my cup of tea. The heavy jacket with spikes on the shoulders was extremely uncomfortable.

I don't want to be in his gang, I want to help people, not kill them.

Like last night. It was right after dad had finished hitting me. I had left the lair quickly to go get ibuprofen for the pain. As I was looking through the medicine someone pulled a gun out on the cashier.

I ducked down but then crept behind the guy and took out his gun.

I hit him with the back of the gun handle but he fell unconscious. I was shocked and looked at the gun. The cashier stared at me and called the police.

I dropped the gun and ran away. I saved the person's life but was shocked by it and thought I would go to jail for knocking that guy out.

Afterwards I felt heroic until dad told me about this job we were going to do.

I only said I would do it if I didn't have to kill anyone. He said I wouldn't but clearly he lied.

I put the gun in my holster with no intention of picking it back up.

"Let's go!" Dad says.

I hate stealing like this, for no reason at all! Dad runs a mechanic shop and we survive just fine, why did we have to steal?

My brothers separate and dad turns to me. "Take out the guard" He demands.

I swallow and say "Dad, don't you think this is unnecessary? I mean, a few years of honest work and we can move out of Gotham easily"

Dad grabs my hair and yanks me to the building "Take the guard out before I break your bones!"

I wince and quickly climb up the wall to get away from him. The mission solely depended on me. In the smaller brother who is very swift and good with a pick.

If I couldn't get in then no one could.

I go to a door with a padlock on it.

I crouch by the handle and pick the lock quickly.

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