Taking Action

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Well, this was incredible. I haven't fought any criminals yet but I got to swing and run around Gotham with night vision. I was faster than Batman as I always stayed a few feet ahead of him but never out of sight. He said that for the first few nights on patrol I would have to stay close.

I didn't mind since I wouldn't want to be running around fighting criminals alone yet. We had run around the entire time and since I was so excited I didn't get tired.

Now we were sitting on top of a building looking over Gotham. I was testing out the buttons on my mask and the different visions I had. I sit on the end of the building with my legs dangling over. Batman is perched on a statue with his cape flapping in the wind.

I click a button and suddenly hear police radios.

"I have that too?" I say to myself.

I listen to it for a while then lean back and lay on my back. "So, Batman," I say. He glances over at me as I peer up at the stars. First time I've seen them in a while. "You do realize I have to go to school, right?"

"It's taken care of," Batman says.

"Oh," I say. I think "Wait, if it's taken care of, how come I'm not in school yet?"

I look over at him as he says "One, you were training, two, we are waiting for the letter to the school I'm enrolling you in to come and accept you"

"Don't you have to take a test to get into one of those private schools?" I ask.

He nods "You did" He says.

"I did?" I ask sitting up. "When?"

"During your training I told you that you had to pass a certain test on the computer." He says looking around.

"You tricked me into doing a test?" I ask, astonished. "I don't know whether to be annoyed or appreciative"

He looks at me then says "Don't worry, you passed it, we just need a letter now"

"Oh cool" I say. "So, when is it coming?"

"The next month or so," He says.

I nod "When the semester starts again right?" He nods. I shrug "I don't mind going to a cool school. As long as the teachers aren't rude"

"Nightwing went there, he enjoyed it enough" He says.

I'm about to tell him that Dick doesn't count when he says "Criminals below, get ready"

I jump up and look down. My vision zooms in and I see Mr Freeze in a bank.

I frown "You'd think bank's have better security, right?" I looked over but Batman disappeared. "Oh right!" I say shooting out a grappling gun and swinging down.

My stomach lifts at the sensation and I smile. I feel like I'm riding a roller coaster.

Okay, I studied Mr. Freeze, he can shoot out ice and does so quickly. To defeat him, destroy his guns or his helmet that keeps him conscious. I don't want to kill him so I'll go for the guns.

I land on the ground and almost immediately have to jump in the air.

Ice flies under me and I land on a light post. He could have killed me with that. I look over and see Mr. Freeze walking over. "So, Batman has another sidekick huh?" He asks.

I swallow and look for Batman. Where is he? Was he dealing with ice right now or something? It doesn't matter, stick to the training. I come up with a plan quickly.

"But you aren't a Robin; a Rabbit?" He asks.

I grin. "Finally! Someone who gets the name right!" I say.

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