Chapter 1 - The Night Before It All Started

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A Year Ago - June 2nd, 2020

Evening was beginning to fall upon the city of Burbank, California. All of the citizens were preparing to settle down for the night and relax. Teenagers had their final hour together as friends and began to say goodnight. Families huddled together for movie nights and game nights separately.

But all of them were spending their last evening hours here in Burbank.

Recently, the United States has been in conflict with a foreign country. Some news outlets aren't clarifying what the quarrel is about, but many are saying it's over a mutual agreement gone bad. Some are saying it's over natural resources, which is outright childish in many people's opinions.

Some want the two countries to get along. But it might be some time before this happens and they can resolve their fight.

But in the last week, tensions have risen to the point where the US is being threatened by the risk of an attack. The locations aren't said, but every single community and state along the US Coasts are to be evacuated, along with any other inland cities, as a precaution.

Back in Burbank, the Warner Bros. Studio building was no different. Staff all around were moving stuff away to ensure nothing would be damaged. And they were gathering any belongings here and at their places of residence.

The Warner Bros. Tower was no different.

15-year-old Fallon Oaks was watching the Warner brothers and Warner sister: Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. He was helping them pack their things and prepare for the events of tomorrow. He was planning to stay with them that night. The evacuation wouldn't take place until 1:00PM tomorrow afternoon, and he still had to prepare them for that moment.

At the moment, the older toon was playing with the Warners to distract them for a while. They had spent the entire evening packing away their belongings and needed a stress reliever.

"Here, Wakko, catch!" Dot tossed the ball over to her brother. Wakko caught it with ease and threw it to Yakko. "Heads up!" He caught it and tossed it to Dot again, who tossed it to Fallon. "This is fun, isn't it?" He asked the other three. Wakko and Dot surely nodded their heads, glad to get away from the pressure of the situation, but Yakko didn't nod.

"What's wrong, Yakko? You aren't usually this quiet." Dot commented. Yakko looked up. "I'm not sure if I want to leave the tower. We've spent how long here and just adjusted to the peaceful, quietness of it all, and now we have to leave to who knows where?" He pulled his head up to his knees. "It just isn't fair. I don't get why we have to leave. Why can't they just get along?"

Fallon went to Yakko's side to comfort him. He patted his shoulder in a comforting way. "I'm sorry, Yakko, but it's the government's orders. They want us all to be safe and away from danger." Yakko looked up. "By moving us away from home?? Can't our homes protect us from this danger?"

Fallon shook his head. "If there is indeed a missile attack, the blast will more than likely destroy most of the structures in its path. Including Burbank, and the Studios." Dot looked sad. "Even the tower?"

"Even the tower, Dot." Fallon replied.

The Warners were upset to hear this. Even the tower wouldn't survive such an event. Fallon opened his arms and all three went for a hug. "Hey.. it's going to be okay. Don't fret, you three, alright?" He smiled. "I know it's scary, but it'll be fine."

"Promise?" Dot asked him.

"Promise. I cross my heart." Fallon replied. "Now, how about we continue our game and have supper?" He smiled. The Warners cheered and began getting back into the rhythm of the game. Fallon got up and took out his phone to order supper.


The pizza had arrived. Fallon was giving Yakko, Wakko and Dot their food. He wasn't planning on eating as usual. But... maybe just this once. He saved some slices for himself and gave the three kids their slices. They all ate in peace and continued their game.

That was, until the Warner kids had to go to sleep. By now it was 11:30PM. Dot wasn't too happy with this, as usual. "Oh, come on, Fallon!" She whined. "Can't we stay up just a little longer??"

Fallon shook his head. "We gotta be up early tomorrow, Dot."

Yakko looked down to Dot. "Sis, remember? We gotta get all our stuff onto one of those buses." Dot sighed. "Right..."

"Come on. Up to your bedroom." Fallon urged the three up the stairs and into their room. He started from the youngest - Dot - to the oldest - Wakko and Yakko. The eldest Warner stopped Fallon as he was covering him up. "You promise we're going to be okay, Fal?" He asked, still unsure. "I know I'm not usually like this, but I just wanna be sure, y'know?"

Fallon nodded. "I promise, Yakko. Now get some sleep, bud." He gave him a lil smooch on the head. Like how parents would kiss their child goodnight. "Fallonnnnnn-" Yakko whined. "I'm not a baby, you shouldn't need to do that." Fallon chuckled in response. "Sorry, force of habit. Goodnight, Yakko." Fallon walked off and shut the door. "Night Fallon." Yakko turned in his bed and began to drift off.

Fallon didn't leave the tower. His plan was to stay the night so he could wake up the three in the morning for cleaning up before they left. He lay down on the couch and began to ponder. How will it go tomorrow? Is there going to be an issue? Or something bad happens? Or is it going to be jolly and okay and everything will go to plan and they will head to their temporary place of residence, which is planned to be in Detroit? He wasn't sure of any of that.

He'd just have to wait for tomorrow.

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