Chapter 2 - The Day the Sky Fell

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The Next Day - June 3rd, 2020

The birds sang and the sun shone on the city as morning came around. It was a hassle to get everything packed into a trailer or a little crate of any sort and prep them for transport to the temporary residence far away. The Warner Bros. Studios would be the hub for the transport buses. Other areas were discussed, but the Studios were ultimately chosen.

The Tower was busy with activity as Fallon helped the Warner brothers and Warner sister prepare for the long trip. A small reminder that they had to travel all the way to Detroit. That was - potentially - a 34 hour trip. Almost half a day! So they had to be ready to roll. The kids' belongings were set by the couch, ready and prepared.

"Are you absolutely positively sure we got everything, kids?" Fallon asked the three. They all nodded in response and were ready. Fallon hauled all of their luggage down onto the ground floor and set it by the ladder. By the time everyone was ready, it was 12:57 PM. About three minutes before the buses would be ready for the trip.

The buses were ready, and it was simply time for everyone to board.

The front bus was the first to be boarded. As everyone boarded, Dot looked up to Fallon. "Are we going to be okay?" She asked him. "Of course, Dot. Don't worry." He assured her, picking her up. Yakko still wasn't so keen on leaving Burbank, and was feeling anxious. Fallon patted his back in assurance. "You're going to be okay."

Then the middle bus was boarded. The four kids stood and waited. "How long do we have to wait?" Wakko asked. "I'm tired and I wanna nap.." The young boy had woken up earlier than he usually would, and his energy just wasn't existent at the moment. "I promise, you can have a nap when we board and when we leave." Fallon hugged Wakko. "Okay?"

The back bus was never able to pass the boarding process. As the boarding of the passengers of the bus at the back of the convoy began, a siren began going off in the area. For many people, it was a reminder of the olden days.

An air raid siren.

"What's that? Fallon, what is that?" Yakko asked, unfamiliar with the sound. Fallon knew what it was. And he had to get the kids to safety. "C'mon, let's go!" He grabbed the three kids' hands and ran off with them. The people on the buses also got off and ran for shelter. Screams and shouts filled the air as everyone in the city panicked.

Death from above was imminent if they didn't find shelter immediately.

The four raced through the studio grounds. Nothing seemed to be shelter worthy. All of the employees seemed to be worrying about the general public, keeping the gate open and letting people come in and seek shelter.

That was until they came to a building. A door in the side of it led to a little kitchen-like area. Nobody even knew why the building was there in the first place. Fallon rushed Yakko, Wakko and Dot into there, pushing the table that was in the room aside and getting the three to take cover. He then began to rush back out, but Dot grabbed his arm. "Fallon, where are you going??" She asked, confused and scared. "You have to stay here!"

"I have to help the others outside." He protested as he attempted to pull his arm away. But Dot only gripped harder. "No, you need to stay with us! You can't go out there, y-you're going to get hurt!"

"Dot, when everyone is safely inside, I'll come back, I promise!"

"I don't want you to go, please don't go!"

The kids were getting riled up, something that Fallon never saw before. He gave them each some hugs and once again promised he'd be back, before closing the door and locking it from the outside. All the Warners had to do was just... wait. Wait for him to come back.

It should've been simple. Just wait for him to come back and assure them.

But that didn't happen. Fallon had gone back out to help the citizens of Burbank as they panicked and ran for shelter. As he was helping the remaining ones who had run into the studio look for cover, there was a bright light that engulfed the horizon. The Burbank bomb had impacted ground. With no time to waste, he led them into an open building and braced.

There, the shockwave hit hard. Everything went dark, and silent. All except for the sounds of destruction: shattering glass, crumbling brick, metal being torn from its roots, and wood splintering apart. All around those who couldn't evacuate in time.

Soon, four other states were hit: Texas, Nevada, Florida and Washington, D.C.

Time of bombing: 1:03PM.

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