Chapter 3 - Patient Zero

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10 Minutes after Impact - June 3rd, 2020

"When is he coming back, Yakko?" Dot asked as she lay huddled in her older brother's arms, absolutely terrified of what had just happened.

"I-I don't know, sis. We gotta go out and look for him." Yakko said, taking control of the situation and leading his siblings outside into the wake of destruction. Fallon had told them to wait, but the building may collapse on them, so just this once they'll break his orders...

Outside was absolute carnage. Dot and Wakko had to look away from the sight, while Yakko took it head on. The sky was no longer clear and sunny. In its place were overcast clouds colored in a grayish brown. The ground fared worse, for all around were pieces of rubble, glass, wood, and insulation. Everything you can imagine. All scattered on the ground around them.

The studio was different. Almost all of the buildings had taken a beating from the shockwave. Windows had been shattered, and chunks of brick had been torn from the buildings. Doors were blown open, even the large garage type doors on most of the buildings had been blown open. But the water tower... oh, the water tower... just as Fallon predicted, it wasn't spared from the shockwave at all. The beams that supported the tower had collapsed and buckled, causing an entire collapse of it.

The three of them were in shock. Their home was destroyed. Yakko walked up to it and started tearing up. This was where and his siblings have stayed since 1993. And now, in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Taken from them. All those memories. Gone in a flash.

As the kids mourned, a voice called out. "Kids!" It was Fallon! He had survived apparently. "Oh, are you three okay?? You weren't in the.. spot that I asked you to stay in..?" He noticed the status of the tower. "Fallon, our home.." Wakko whimpered. "I-It's gone.." Fallon immediately pulled the three into a comforting hug, no longer wanting them to see their home in such a state of despair. "You're okay.. Don't look at it."

He would then drag them away. He had to find shelter for them. But where could he put them? His house may not be an option.. So he had to come up with something quick.. For the next couple of hours they would roam the city.


Hours have passed since the attacks. The media outside of Los Angeles and affected areas are going haywire on reporting about the situation in the US. Everything was, for the most part, chaotic and scary.

In Burbank, Fallon had found a suitable shelter for the Warners to rest at. It was a small house that had been evacuated by the original occupants. Surely they wouldn't mind, right...? The house still had its original furniture; not everyone was lucky enough to get their stuff out of town in time.

While the Warners were resting at the house, Fallon went out to find supplies for them. Mainly snacks, drinks, anything that could get them by for the most part. Yakko was comforting both Wakko and Dot, who were both unsure about their predicament. "Hey, we get past anything and everything that's in our way, right?" Yakko said softly. "I'm sure this'll all blow over soon, and we can go home." But nobody felt assured. Not even Yakko, who deep down knew it wasn't going to blow over soon. "I'm sure it will. Promise." He said one more time to get his point through.

Already the group had two bags worth of supplies with them, which should've been fine. But their caregiver wanted another bag just to be safe. Yakko sometimes didn't like it when Fallon treated them like they were still young. This was one of those times, and his siblings could tell it was bothering him. "Hey, don't be so hard on him, Yak. He's trying to make sure we're going to be okay." Dot said. "Besides, a third bag wouldn't hurt, right?"

None of them knew they weren't going to get that third bag.

It had been half an hour since Fallon had left to go get more food and drinks. Wakko, being the food lover he was, was impatient and didn't want to wait. "Can't I just have one?" He asked Dot. "No. We must conserve it and wait for Fallon to come back." Dot said.

What came back wasn't Fallon.. Well, it was. But.. he didn't look the same. He had these weird legs, crab-like legs. His fur was all frizzy and his face had melted. The only thing on his face was a smile. His eyes weren't even considered eyes.. I mean, they were eyes, but they were jacked up.

Yakko chuckled at his appearance, something Dot and Wakko considered to be not so nice. "Alright Fal," Yakko began, "you can cut out the form. It looks creepy and nice, but not as creepy." Fallon didn't respond. He only breathed. "Fal?" Yakko tilted his head in confusion and worry.

But then... Fallon let out a terrifying roar. This terrified all three siblings to the bone! "RUN!!" Dot yelled out as she and the two boys ran to the back of the house and to the door. Their caretaker was behind them, trying to get through the door but growling at how its legs weren't cooperating with it. "Open the door, open the door, open the door-" Wakko yelped as he panicked. Luckily they were able to open the door and grab their supplies. They ran for a long time, never knowing when to stop.

They couldn't stop. They couldn't.

Because who knew what was behind them?

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