2. Toshinori Yagi

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Izuku was happy to be eating lunch with Yagi-San again. He was having some onigiri while All might had some light fish crackers. Since he didn't have a stomach he really couldn't keep down much. Izuku really wished he could fix that, fix his injury, fix society, just everything. But he knows he can't at the snap of a finger. There'd be no way.

"My boy, how are you coming along with your control over One For All" All might interrupted his thought process. "Oh uh it's getting better I realized that I won't be able to just punch like you immediately and that I have to build it up. So I started with one percent and alternated between my arms and legs to see which one felt more comfortable to me. Then I kept going up in percentage and skill since I realized that wow I actually do not know basic combat. I'm pretty flexible but I couldn't throw a decent punch for the life of me so then-" All might laughs interrupting him again.

Izuku, embarrassed now goes quiet. "I couldn't have chosen a better successor. You're so driven my boy and you were right on every point. I once had to be trained to. I didn't start out strong so I didn't expect you to be able to punch as I do everyday. Although Young Midoriya if you find you need any help please don't be afraid to call or text me." "Yes Sir"

They ate with small side conversations like helping Toshinori San teach and helping Midoriya not break his bones. They laughed for a while as Izuku told all might that todoroki thought he was his secret love child. They plan to prank him by having midoriya call all might dad.

Izuku just wasn't getting the kick he wanted from his lunch. He decided to add something. "Um yagi-San could you pass the pepper please?" "Sure my boy here you are" All might says handing him the shaker. "Thank you" Izuku put some pepper on his lunch bringing up the container under the food so it doesn't spill. In the process he accidentally sniffs some of the pepper. It really just tingles at first then it burns like crazy but it's mostly tolerable.

After a few minutes of silent eating Izuku felt a familiar itch and tingle in his nose and sniffed which made it way more apparent. His eyebrows pressed together and he set his food down so he doesn't accidentally sneeze out any chewed pieces. He swallows and holds a finger under his nose. All might notices.

"Are you Alright young Midoriya?" He asks taking in what Izuku is doing before pushing the tissue box on the table between them towards him. He had already known of the boy's allergies because of how many fits he had on 'The beach of triggers' his pupil once called it. "Just a second" Izuku says pulling a couple tissues before turning to the side and leaning over. "Ah-choo. Achoo!"

He seemed to pause to rub his nose for a moment. "Bless yo-" "-Ah-choo Hah-Ahchoo." Midoriya kept going so All might decided to wait until he was surely done. "Achoo, -chew , heh..hah-achoo!" Midoriya finished off, blowing his nose roughly into the tissues. Toshinori pretended not to pay much attention because the situation maybe be embarrassing on his successors end. "Are u finished my boy?" Then Izuku held up a finger "Ha-schew" then he paused and nodded throwing the dirty tissues in the trash before grabbing some more. "Sorry" he blew his nose again before heavily sniffing.

"It's okay young midoriya, bless you by the way" "Mhm thank you" he responded. "You're welcome." Then the warning bell rang. "Oh lunch is over. Thank you for your time Yagi san." Izuku stood up and bowed rubbing his nose with his wrist and throwing away the tissues. " it's no problem young midoriya I cherish our time together very much. In response he got a bright smile. " I do too! See you All might" Izuku says running out into the hall leaving his bento. Toshinori would be sure to give it back after school. Izuku has really bad allergies huh...

Bonus: Midoriya met up with Tsuyu, Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki in the hallway on their way back to class. It was going ok until they took in Izukus reindeer look. "Midoriya are you alright, you're very flushed" Todoroki said and at that they all turned to him with a crease in between the brows. "Hm yea I'm fine" he sniffed and scrunched up his face to emphasize his vague response of "allergies". Before either of his friends could respond they had arrived at the classroom.

Midoriyas AllergiesWhere stories live. Discover now