3. Iida Tenya

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Midoriya and Iida are dating. It was a surprise to both classmates and teachers when the two announced such after almost two weeks together . Right now there are sitting together in iidas room, studying. Iida was just finishing his long explanation on why it's good to study everyday. "-Izuku it helps regulate the mind and would help you retain information better. Especially if your diligent note taking was written in a blue ink, scientifically proven to help memory." Izuku smiled fondly at him, 'Tenya is just so adorable' he thought to himself. He suddenly felt an itch in his nose. Probably my allergies, I'll be fine he thought raising a finger to rub against his nose in an attempt to dull the itch. Just fine

" As a UA student I think it's very befitting of us to stay on top of our assignments and for us to do our best". "Yea your right ten'" Izuku giggled, before scrunching up his nose and sniffing, rubbing at the persistent itch now with a slight tingle. Iida watched with both fondness and mild concern. Izuku resembles a bunny he thought feeling the blush rise to his face before pushing it back down when he saw Izuku sniff and rub at his now red nose.

"Zu are you alright? If you are feeling si-" "no no ten I'm fine it's just my allergies" midoriya interrupted with a small chuckle. Tenya felt a weight being lifted off his chest as he worried what he would do if Izuku was sick. " oh! Is there anything I can do to help" iida was told about Izukus allergies he just wasn't aware of the extent of them, Izuku did sneeze here and there often. "Not really, though could I have a tissue?" "Of course!"

Tenya reached over to his bed stand and grabbed the box of tissues sitting on it. He held the box out for Izuku and watched as he took two. "Thank you" he says before using the tissue to rub at and wipe his nose simultaneously. Tenya responds with a hum in welcome. Izuku leans over effectively dropping the dirtied tissues in the small garbage can next to the end of the bed. He sniffs " let's do our History now" he says. " Sure" tenya agrees.

About 10 minutes pass with talks of the pre quirk era, and Izukus constant sniffling. Tenya had to admit that he was getting more worried that the temperature of the room was not helping with Izukus system. The red on his nose spread a bit more and his eyes became watery. Izuku paused to rub his nose again and sniffed. "Izuku?" He looked up towards tenya in response, sniffing. "Do you need another tissue?" At this Izuku got a pink hue across his cheeks, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Um yeah, 'M sorry"

"You're quite alright" he says handing the whole box to the greenette. " Are u sure I can't do anything else?" " yes..thank you tenya" tenya turned away slightly as to give Izuku some privacy in blowing his nose. When he was finished mumbled out a small sorry followed by a sniff. "It's fine love" he kissed izukus hair. Izuku blushed, the pet names always made his heart race and made him fall in love all over again.

Izuku decided not to put the tissues back. The itch in his nose was getting almost unbearable and he wouldn't want to be gross and end up sneezing all over. "So in the pre quirk era apparently quirks were frowned upon and in the hierarchy quirked beings were at the bottom of the chain" Tenya began. Izuku continued for him.  "A lot has changed since then. Now it's the opposite. It says that the government hunted them down to make weapons out of them in the army and things lik-"

Izuku stopped and tensed. Tenya was a tad confused. " Are you okay Zu" no response. "Izuku?" Izuku held up a finger saying wait before turning to the crook of his elbow letting out two sneezes "Ha-ji'schoo, *sniff* Ahh- schew" he sniffed grabbing a tissue letting out another. "Ahh-tscho" and another "Sscho!" He blew his nose and cleaned up a bit before pressing the back of his wrist to his nose scrunching it, before sneezing again, now stifled "Heh'knDtschh!"  tch'chew" then he took a deep breath letting out what seemed to be the end of his fit in his elbow again. "Axtchieww!"

Izuku felt himself flush in embarrassment and he wiped his teary eyes. "Excuse me".
Tenya stared in slight bewilderment and growing concern. "Gesundheit , are you okay Izuku? that was quite the fit! " "Thank you, and I'm ok, sorry, I have bad allergies"

"I remember you told us during our walk back to the classroom a few weeks ago. No need to apologize I was just worried" tenya watched Izuku grab another tissue and stopped him. "Here" he said giving zu one of his handkerchiefs. "The tissues are too rough on your skin" "Hm..thank you tenya" Izuku said cleaning up the last of any snot or tears.  " you're welcome Zu"
Literally 5 minutes later
"Achoo" "BLESS"

Now Tenya always kept tissues  and handkerchiefs on him for his very sneezy boyfriend.

Midoriyas AllergiesWhere stories live. Discover now