three: awakening

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You don't know what happened after you tumbled into darkness. All you can see are flashes of black and white, as well as unwanted memories.

A faded image of a man appears in front of you. A dead expression turns into a sinister smile. A grin, but you can tell its evil intentions. 

"Let's get started, shall we?"

No. Not again. 

The room turns black, the man fades.

Then, a distance from your line of vision flashes white. 

You are now laid down in a different room. You think about the lab, but its usual cold temperature is replaced by warmth and numbness throughout your body. The surface you lay on appears to be metal, but it feels like a soft cushion against your back. Odd. 

Something approaches you from a distance. A tall man, the same one from the scene before, but with a syringe in hand. Fear runs through your veins. They grin wider as they bring the sharp needle closer to your stomach, before examining the crystal on your chest. 

You need to get out, but your limbs refuse orders from your brain. You can't move. 

A scent of metal whiffs through the air. You panic. Someone is bleeding, and it must be you.

You tense up.

Something soft touches your skin like fur, near your stomach area. It feels wet there, the same place as your gunshot wound. You remember. You were bleeding. You were dying.

A sudden figure appears a red smile spread across their blackened face. A hand raised, and a sharp object in hand. They are going to pierce you. They forcefully bring their hand down, and you shut your eyes to brace for the incoming pain.

But you don't feel any.

A new coloured glow appears around your stomach. It's green, and it's warm. It feels you with kindness and empathy. It fills you with hope. You are going to live. 

You feel...happy. Safe. So you return to rest...


Your mind snaps out of unconsciousness, and you are met with darkness. Did time reset again? Your body aches and feels stiff all over. Nope. No reset starts with this kind of feeling. Then, did you die? You do feel numb all over, but a hint of pain hides behind the numbness. Another no. You are still alive, but how?

You clearly recall that you deliberately fell into a hole within a mountain. There is no possible explanation as to how you are still alive. You fell with little to no magic to help you break your fall, and you had multiple wounds that could have lead to extreme blood loss. So how...?

Maybe opening your eyes might reveal the answer. But it might be easier said than done. Your eyelids feel extremely heavy, and your lack of strength might explain that. Either way, you want some answers. 

How weak are you? You feel like you have been asleep for decades. 

You try to flinch. Something, anything. A hand? A finger? You feel some muscle movement. Okay, so you are not completely paralyzed. Good to know. 

You still can't force your eyelids to open. Shit.

You are dying to know where you possibly are. If time didn't reset again, it might never. Throughout all of those timelines, as you had called them, none led to this moment or the horrible experience at the lab. Curiosity fills you, yet it is accompanied by fear. Finally, experiencing something new!

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