the future for this book

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hello all. this is kumi, kumillustrations the artist and kuminscribes the author.

to all that have been waiting for the next update for both of my public books, i am officially stopping the updates on both. for this book, it is sad to say that i am no longer as enthusiastic to write undertale fanfics as i was 2 years ago. i am not dropping out of the fandom entirely, but i would not be supporting it as much anymore.

for this book, 'my save star', i had a rough storyline in mind that would've lasted for about 40+ chapters. unfortunately due to my studies and lack of motivation, i haven't been able to focus on the story's development. i was so excited to rewrite my first ever book, 'the ketchup of my eyesocket' (cringe name ik) with my own fully developed original character that you play the eyes in, raleya, with a whole backstory, strengths, weaknesses and relevance to the main plot all planned out. but alas, i eventually decided to stop the story plot with this book because i had no more motivation.

this isn't a complete loss though. thanks to this book, i've been able to work on my character development and i am really proud of how in-depth i've worked on raleya.

i will be working on my own book, filled with all of my own original characters that i have created with full relevance to the main story plot and most are fully developed already! who knows, raleya might be included into the story... and i do plan to make this future planned story into a full-scale comic!

well, that's it for this book and my future plans. thank you to the people that have come across this book and read it. it is sad that i couldn't finish it, but i have gained plentiful experience as a writer and story developer. i appreciate all the support from all of you readers ^^ ♡

i shall officially announce the closure of this book. like this book, 'eat or be eaten' will be discontinued officially.  meanwhile, you can have a peek at what i have typed out so far for this book before i officially stopped and raleya!

that's it from me. again, thank you for the support you've given to this small, short and shitty book :D

kumi out!


part 6 : snowed in

The weather might be against you.

No, might is not the correct word to describe it - it is definitely going against you, preventing you from starting your journey.

As soon as you open the doors keeping you from the outside world, a snowing blizzard hits you in the face. What a way to begin your adventure; the first greeting is from a massive snowstorm. A very warm welcome indeed. The cold wind cuts onto your skin as it brushes against you, the patterns of snow waving at you as the blizzard intensifies.

Blocks of snow crunch beneath as you thread through the blizzard, blocking possible hailstones from hitting your face with your arms. Your hood provides no use for shelter as it blew right off your head and currently sways in the wind. You can feel your body temperature drop massively; your clothing is not thick enough to help you trap essential body heat. You can feel a mountain of snow building on top of your head, soaking your perfectly dried hair as the ice slowly melts and freezes on the spot. Your hair stiffens up without the help of hair gel or hair spray.

Gloves would be nice. My hands are getting numb.

Unable to turn back for additional resources and shelter, you need to find an alternative solution to escape this dreadful situation. Jerking your head to scan your surroundings for a suitable shelter to only meet with blazing white, and perhaps some faded images of tree bark. Wait-

My Save Star (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now