part 5: heartbreaking goodbyes

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Prolonging this fight is not feasible.

Perhaps you should take action...


You dodge one last wave of attacks before you speak up.

"Toriel, can we please talk? I don't want to fight you."

Tears are now forming at the corners of Toriel's eyes. The fight might stop soon. You hope so anyway. However, she swallows her tears and concentrates her magic on your soul again. 

"Stop the mercy, and fight me! Only then will this battle end!"

You dodge another wave of fireballs and speak up once more.

"Toriel, do you really wish to fight?"

She hesitates to reply.

"Then surely not all monsters are dangerous. You are proof that I am right. When I fell and laid unconscious, you had the opportunity to kill me, hurt me, or just leave me there. But you didn't. Instead, you healed me, took care of me for an entire week, although I didn't ask for such treatment and even politely asked you not to do so. If monsters are dangerous, as you say, then why do you show such selfless hospitality to a mere human?"

You let the small lie slip past your teeth at the end of your statement. Although Toriel has your utmost trust so far, you are still unwilling to reveal your true self. Tears hang at the edges of her eyes, and her arms fall loosely by her sides. The match has ended, and the room around you remains in its purple colour. She falls to her knees and quietly sobs in defeat. You are tempted to walk over and comfort her, but you also feel that it is better to remain in your spot. 


She whispers, just about loud enough for you to hear.

"-the king of the monsters, swore to kill every human that falls into the Underground after the tragedy of our son's death. The Royal Guard, an elite group of monsters trained to fight against humans, roam the Underground in search of humans who have fallen, to kill and retrieve their soul."

Wait- Doesn't that make Toriel the queen of the monsters?

"I was angered by his decision and left the kingdom, seeking refuge in the Ruins."

Her head looks up towards you, tears now filling her eyes.

"Can't you see what I am doing? I am protecting you! From HIM! From them..."

The guilt tugs your heartstrings, urging you even more to not speak. 

"Yet you children still want to leave."

She covers her face with her paws and weeps silently. Guilt flows through your soul, and you know that this is a good opportunity to finally approach Toriel. You walk towards her silently and sit next to her. You tap lightly on her shoulders to catch her attention as she embraces you for a hug you gladly return. You wait for her to calm down, and thought twice before speaking your inner thoughts. 

"Toriel, I understand your worries, especially about my safety in the world beyond these doors."  

You sit next to Toriel, crossing your legs and getting yourself slightly more comfortable rather than squatting.

"Can I say some things?"

Toriel nods.

"Back in the city on the surface, life wasn't exactly pleasant. For a certain amount of time life, at least. I had some ups, then my life just became a massive downfall. Then it became a repeat of a cycle."

You refuse to glance at Toriel and play with a random stick that you've found on the vibrant violet bricks. 

"So you can say I have no reason to return to the city."

My Save Star (discontinued) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن