four: fight or flee

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It has been a few days, maybe more. Toriel has been treating you like her own child, feeding and taking care of your well being for you, despite your constant requests to halt her kind gestures. As a 21-year-old, being completely babied by Toriel - or by anyone, feels too weird. You sigh as you sink into the wooden chair, rubbing your temples slowly. You have no headache, but the constant thoughts running through your mind are annoying the heck out of you. You reposition your hands to your mouth, taking a deep breath as you collate your thoughts. 

*flashback to a few days back*

You sit in the same wooden chair you have been using for the past few days to think. You rest your arms on the table, then rest your head on your arms. You couldn't sleep the night before, with ongoing memories continuously running through your mind. An active mind prevented another good night's sleep, and here you are half dead, half asleep on the dining table in Toriel's humble home.

A door opens from within the corridor, and you don't bother moving your head to acknowledge someone coming. No one else lives in this small house other than you and Toriel. Maybe some ruin monsters, perhaps a few 'Froggits' and a 'Vegetoid', would come by every once in a while to accompany Toriel (and sometimes you as well).

However, some scavenging in the pinkish-red room you sleep in makes you feel doubtful after stating that you and Toriel are the only people that live here. You did manage to find abandoned pictures and coloured drawings, too childish for Toriel to do them herself, as well as a bunch of toys in the room you currently rest in. There was plenty of clothing already neatly hung up, but the style and colours weren't as much in varied as the toys or drawings. Had other children stayed, or rather, found by Toriel? Had they jumped into the hole, but for what reasons? Accidental, or on purpose?

"Good morning, my child. You look exhausted. Did you not get a good night's rest again?"

You reply with a soft mumble, probably only heard as an inaudible sound by Toriel.

A sigh is returned as footsteps walk past you towards another room, the smell of butterscotch pie in the oven wafting out of the kitchen short moments later. A low grumble makes you blush, which you would only know had happened. 

Pushing that matter aside, you recall the earliest memory, the memory when you woke up from your unconscious self long after you fell.

After Toriel had given you a delicious helping of pie and an odd-looking phone, she explained your current situation with some deep history, showed you around the house, and ended with some house rules.

The Underground, a realm where monsters reside ever since they had lost in the war, not long after you had been brought into the world. That you clearly remembered.

You currently reside in Toriel's home within the Ruins, a small section in the Underground and the closest place to one of the two entrances into the Underground: the hole you fell in during your escape. The room you had just rested in would be your bedroom, as strongly insisted by Toriel. You know that her room is further down the main corridor, as well as a blocked off room, but you didn't want to pry into her privacy.

One or two particular things she stated caught your attention after she gave you a quick house tour.

'Stay as long as you'd like,' and 'Please do not go down the flight of stairs in the main entrance.'

She sounded slightly desperate behind her welcoming nature as if she didn't want you to leave. Ever. Maybe she feels alone and wanted your company, or a certain fear or worry forces her to prevent you from venturing outside?

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