Favourite bands

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I am about to say my favourite bands in order from my favourite to least favourite (I don't hate any of the following I just prefer others)

1. Queen. There is no competitor

2. The Beatles. Why are they so good? I just love them

3. The Hollywood Vampires. Excuse me, why did no one tell me Alice Cooper, Joe Perry and Johnny Depp formed a band?

4. The Travelling Wilburys. If I love the Beatles I have to love the Travelling Wilburys, it's George's band.

5. Lee Zeppelin. They are the top of any classic rock bands. They are the kings of classic rock (in my opinion)

6. Nirvana. Just amazing. I wished Kurt lived longer for them to record more album.

7. The Monkees. No band could make a tv show as funny as them. And the music is amazing

8.The Who. God they are brilliant. I've watched them live at the Isle of Wight twice in one week.

9.Red Hot Chili Peppers. The only non classic rock band I love. They are just amazing.

I do love other hands such as Bon Jovi, AC/DC and Gun N Roses but they don't make my list. I will go into which members I like in a future chapter and why I like the band. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

A/n: I'm back with an updated version.

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