Favourite band members

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For this chapter I will be talking about my favourite band members and why I like them.

1. Queen. My favourite member by far is Roger Taylor. I love Roger because he is so freaking hot. Also his musical ability is off the chart. But he also tried to promote awareness for aids. He's just amazing.

2. The Beatles. No one can compete with George Harrison on this one. Like Roger he is hot, but man is he a good guitarist. His guitar solo for the album version of Let It Be captured my heart the first time I listened to it. But he can write an amazing guitar lick. As the lead guitarist with the Beatles he did his job very well. (Also it was close with John, I do love him dearly)

3. The Monkees. This is hard. I've always loved Davy Jones since the first minute of the first episode where he was shirtless. However, Peter Tork's music ability is just stunning. Peter is so cute besides his talent. So I can't decide who my favourite Monkee is.

4. The Travelling Wilburys. Now then what do I say about George I didn't say before. I have to admit I didn't know what was us with Geo's hair during this period. But what I want to say about him I said before in The Beatles section. But Tom Petty is a close second. I personally find him very attractive and talented. No other words then that.

5. Led Zeppelin. I would say John Bonham. He was a great drummer and once pushed George Harrison into a swimming pool fully dressed, no one will ever do that again.

6. Nirvana. Obviously Kurt Cobain. He was so bloody attractive. It was so sad about him though, he was so talented. I could rant about him but I'll stop there.

7.The Who. Definitely Keith Moon. Yes he was wild and eccentric but I love him. He makes me laugh. He was certainly taken too soon but it was his own fault. But I don't think he was credited enough for what he did. RIP Keith Moon.

8.Red Hot Chili Peppers. By far Anthony Kiedis. He is so hot and so talented. But what is it with him and California (if you don't know what I mean listen to the songs, he goes on about California quite a bit). But also I love his phase when he went blonde, I've never seen a more attractive male (sorry George Harrison).

My musical husbands:

George Harrison (but don't tell him I'm having an affair with John Lennon)
Keith Moon
Davy Jones
Peter Tork

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