The Evil Meow Beast

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"Gamz33! Gamz33, wake up!" The kitty girl pleaded as she shook the clown laying next to her

"UrRrG, wHaT iS iT sIs?" He slowly sat up and rubbed his eye.

"There's a meow beast outside! Look!" And sure enough, right outside the window was a cute little calico kitten. She sat there licking herself clean. "Let's go get it!"

"NoW hOlD tHe MoThEr FuCk Up, WhAt On AlTeRnIa ArE yOu GoInG tO dO wItH a MoThErFuCkInG cAt NePeTa?"

"Pwease Gammy? I'll... I'll love it, and f33d it, and clean up it's little poopys-"

"AlLrIgHt AlRiGhT, AlL uP aNd GeT iT. Go GeT tHe CaT."

"But Gamz33, you have to come with me!"

"No WaY."

"Why not?" She frowned at him.

"I'm MoRe Of A wOoF bEaSt TrOlL." Nepeta rolled her eyes and grabbed Gamzee's hand, dragging him out to get the cat.

"Hi there cute little meow beast! Awe, you're so fluffy!" Nepeta exclaimed and squeezed her cheeks which made Gamzee giggle slightly. "You wanna be my cute little meow beast?"

The cat replied by clawing and biting Nepeta as soon as her hand touched the poor creature. "OUCH! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" She cried out, grabbing her wrist in pain.

"Oh ShIt," Gamzee's eyes widened. "WhAt ThE hElL?"

And with that, Nepeta picked up the evil meow beast and threw it into the forest. It landed on it's feet and scurried into the sunset. Yay!

((Lol sorry I really needed to update and I have total writers block so this happened. I know my chapters are usually really short but I bet you weren't expecting this short of one! Anyway, as soon as I think of something good I'll update and I promise it will be longer. Love ya!))

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