A Sibling's Visit and The Unknown Rift

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Soundtrack: Green Garden Theme - Bomberman 64


Elkay is now at the port, waiting for his sister. After a few minutes of waiting, he can see his sister aboard the ship.

"LAURENE! OVER HERE!" Elkay shouted which his sister noticed.

"Oh! There you are, Elkay!" replied Laurene. 

"How's Disaster Archipelago? Are you doing fine? Do you have any injuries?" asked Elkay.

"I'm doing pretty great!" replied Laurene.

"Great to hear that you are doing pretty good, sis! Let's harvest some pollen! I guess you missed harvesting pollen with your bees." said Elkay.

======SOME TIME LATER======

Location: Elkay's House, Honey Village, Buzzswarm Valley

Time: 10 AM

Elkay was now preparing Hash Browns and Ramen which was his sister's favorite snack. While Elkay was preparing Laurene's Hash Browns and Ramen, he also prepared his snack: Egg Sandwiches and Orange Juice. 

As Elkay was done making snacks, he can see that his sister was being covered by his bees which made him chuckle. He can also see Growl hugging her leg as a sign of affection.

"Okay, everyone! I'm going to give you baskets of your favorite treats after we eat, okay?" Elkay said which made his team shout in agreement.

Elkay gave Growl a bowl of Strawberries and a Jar of Honey which Growl received with a smile on his face.

"Sis, how's Disaster Archipelago?" asked Elkay.

"Disastrous as ever, big bro!" answered Laurene.

"Heh. I hope the people in that Archipelago were still going to survive. I'm worried about them." said Elkay. 

"They're doing fine, bro. They're already used to being dragged down by disasters since they know how to survive by using the techniques like using Gravity Coils when there are tsunamis." Laurene replied.

"Anyway, it's already time for my Field Raid. Would you like to finish your quests?" asked Elkay.

"Sure! I missed harvesting Pollen and bonding with my bees," answered Laurene.

After Elkay and Laurene finished their snacks, they're out to defeat monsters and harvest Pollen for their unfinished quests. Elkay and his team performed a Field Raid while his sister is going to save up some Honey for her future gear. 

After Elkay's Field Raid, he got awesome loot like Star Jelly, Micro-Converters, Moon Charms, etc. (From Tunnel Bear & King Beetle) while the rest are from the monsters that drop Tickets, Gumdrops, Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapples, etc.


Elkay's POV

After harvesting pollen for 2 more days, my sis and I started to say goodbye to each other since she is going back to Disaster Archipelago to continue her work. I already collected a great amount of Honey and great rewards like Glitter from 'The Gifts of Life'. I then received another quest from Spirit Bear called 'Out-Questing Questions'. To complete this quest, we need to collect a lot of White Pollen, make 10 pairs on the Memory Match, collect Goo, etc.

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