Part 29 (RV.)

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Antonio, Lexus and Draco had left leaving me and Kayden for dead. I honestly didn't understand shit that was happening. Why they kidnapped me? I have no fucking idea. Why Lexus is mad at ME? Can't even get it through my head. I was falling asleep as I heard someone walk into the warehouse making me sit up. I was still tied up and Kayden was sleep.

"Yo Antonio where the fuck you at!" A familiar voice said. I couldn't remember where i knew them from.

"Antonio bring yo bitch ass out!" The dude yelled. I heard footsteps walking towards me and I kicked Kayden making him wake up. The light from the rising Sun came in through on of the windows revealing his face.

"AHMAD?" I yelled shocked as fuck. Why is everyone popping up now?

"Oh shit.. wassup Miyah." He smiled and looked at Kayden. I could tell he was gonna ask who he was.
"My brother." I said as he nodded and took the tape off his mouth.

"Finally the fuck!" He said breathing heavy. I laughed a little but quickly looked at

"Why you here?" I asked.

"I'm looking for a dude named Antonio.." he said pulling his beard. My heart sank.

"Umm can you untie us?" I asked and he nodded letting us out of the ropes. I stood up and stretched.

"I'm not gon leave y'all here. You tryna come with me?" He asked

I looked at Kayden and he nodded quickly.

"Okay I guess we leaving." I said as we walked outside.


"Please don't hurt him." I begged.

"Youn understand.. he took my fathers life. My dad took his last breath cause of this scary ass nigga. He's no good Miyah, I'm tryna tell you." Armon explained.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"Kayden can you come with me?" I asked and he nodded as all 3 of us got out of Ahmad's car. We were at Antonio's trap, which I've never been to before. Ahmad pry the door open and I saw about 3 other dudes sitting around smoking and a few guns on the couch along with 2 girls.

It smelled like weed and 10 cans of bounce that ass. I shook off my thoughts as Antonio walked into the main room.

"Ahmad the fuck do you want?" He said drawing his gun.

"Revenge." Ahmad said smiling and pulling his gun out as well. The boys sitting on the couch had theirs drawn aimed at Ahmad.

"How the fuck y'all got out?" Antonio raised his voice making me flinch a little.

"Don't worry about that. I'm here for a reason.." he stopped himself and looked at me.
"You blamed my brother for my father's murder.. so either pay for his bail or she dead."

"Man you not bout to kill her. Fuck you and yo daddy." Antonio laughed.
I felt a tear fall down my face and I didn't even realize I was crying. The fuck is happening? And why the hell am I in the middle of it?

He placed his gun to the back of my head and pulled my arms back. I looked Antonio in the eyes and could tell he was guilty of this shit.

"Fine when you want it?"

"Tomorrow. 1 million and I want all of it in my hands ight?"

"Bet. Let her go now."
Draco came from the back of the trap and his eyes were red & puffy like he had been crying. Shit I'm the one that should be crying. Ahmad let me go and Antonio pulled me towards him.

"Get the fuck out." Antonio said pointing his gun towards the door.
"If youn have my shit I swear to God yo babymoms gon be in a casket."

Ahmad put his in his pocket and walked out.

"BITCH!" I yelled hitting Antonio

"Damn chill the fuck out!" I rolled my eyes and didn't see Kayden anywhere.

"Whe-where's Kay-" I got cut off by Draco.

"He in the back chill out."

"Draco fuck you too. Fuck all y'all. This dumb ass drug shit gon get one of us killed and if it's me I'm haunting yo ass." I said sitting back.

"You not gon die. " Draco and Antonio said at the same time.

"Dude why you lied to me?" I said looking at Draco but he ain't say anything. Lying bitch. I guess you really can't trust anyone.

"I'm coming back to get my stuff, get my kids and then I'm leaving. Y'all will never see me or them again." I said walking out and walking down the street to the corner store. I went in and called myself an Uber. I was so tired of this shit!

(Lord so much happening 😭) - Starz

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