Mia's POV

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I got to know Tate a lot more. He was so nice. I don't think he'd like me. I couldn't get distracted with a boyfriend. After my mom died and my dad left, I wanted to make them proud. Since my birthday was in a month, the state let me live on my own, paying off all of my parents' debt.

Suddenly, everything stopped. I couldn't hear or see Ella or Tate. Flashback.........great.

I watch as 12 year old me watches my parents argue. This was the first time I ever saw my dad hit my mom. I watched as the scene played out. I started crying. "No, No please. Don't do it. Please hit me instead." I screamed.

"Mia! Mia, it's okay. Hey, hey look at me. It's only a flashback, Mia!" I heard a voice say. I suddenly came back to reality, only to realize I was in Tate's arms.

"Mia, what was it this time?" Ella asked as she handed me a glass of water.

"The first time I saw my dad hit my mom." I answered, before I gulped the water down.

"Tate noticed something was wrong before I even noticed. He ran over immediately. He's the one who snapped you back into reality." Ella said.

"Thanks." I looked at him.

"No problem." He made eye contact with me. I noticed he was staring at my lips. I couldn't help but stare at him. He smiled before shaking his head. "Um, anyway, you guys should get going." Tate led us to the door. "Thanks for coming and helping me," He said.

I smiled. "Thank you again for snapping me out of it."

"Hey, it's no problem. I just noticed something was wrong." He answered.

Ella and I got in her car and waved at Tate as we drove off.

"I'm so sorry about that. I never know when they come-" I was cut off by Ella.

"Mia, it's okay. I know how to handle them. Tate knows how to handle it."
"Yea, but he didn't know about my problems."

"Well, he helped you"

We jammed out on our way home. El dropped me off at home and I headed inside. It was lonely living alone at 17 years old, but I was used to it. My cat, Bella, rubbed against my legs.

"Hi Bell." I said, picking her up.

My phone beeped. "What in the world?" I said. Instagram was yelling at me. Tate had found my Instagram and he wanted to message me.

"Hey it's Tate Mitchell. Thanks again for helping me today."

"No problem, Tate. Sorry again about my flashback"

We talked until midnight before I fell asleep. I slept pretty good with no nightmares, which is good whenever I can get that, My alarm went off playing "Alexander Hamilton" I woke up singing along. I turned it off , plugged my phone into my AUX cord on my stereo and played the rest of the Hamilton soundtrack My first day of school without either of my parents. Tears filled my eyes as I brushed my hair. "The Schyler Sisters" came on and the tears fell. This had been my mom's favorite song. I finished getting ready, set up my phone to take some back to school pictures, grabbed my backpack and took the pictures. I took my last picture with tears in my eyes. My first school year without the support of my mom.

My mom was awesome. She always took care of me before she took care of herself. When my dad started the alcohol, she always made sure I was out of harm's way. When she died, she told me to follow my dream and never give up, no matter what anyone said. I intended to do that and make my mom proud.

I drove to school, listening to the "Percy Jackson" musical. "Strong" came on."

"Normal is a myth. Everyone has issues they're dealing with."
"Mom, if you're weird, you're weak."

"That's where you're wrong. Where the things that make you different are the very things that make you strong, so be strong"

That is how I've started my school day everyday. I walked into the AUX gym, where the rest of the dance team was warming up. I joined in, acting as if I'd been there the entire time. I scared the heck out of Ella and Andrew.

We went through our dance music in the main gym. Kids started coming in so we ran back to the AUX gym. We heard the welcome from our student body president. Pretty soon, it was our turn. Ella introduced each of us since she was on the student council. We headed back to line up. We walked on and began dancing. I noticed Tate was watching me and only me. I flipped at the end and landed in my ending pose. Tate was cheering the loudest.

We walked off and waited until the school song. Pretty soon, the assembly was over. Tate came up and hugged both Ella and I.

"You two were awesome, especially you, Mia"

"Thanks, Tate. Are you excited to start at Swellview?" I asked.

"A little nervous, but at least I have you two."

"Oi, lovebird," Ella called. "Get to class"

"El......" Tate groaned.

"We aren't lovebirds, Els." I said, covering my blushing face.

"Mhm, well if you aren't lovebirds, then Mia, would you like to give Tate a tour?"
"What, I uh-" I stammered.

"Bye losers" Ella said, holding up a peace sign and walking away smirking.

Tate looked at me. "Welp, let's go." I said.

I led Tate throughout the school, showing him and telling him about the school.

"Hey, you look really beautiful right now." Tate said.

"Thanks, I wanted to take this off," I gestured to the makeup on my face. "But Ella convinced me not to."

"I still think you look beautiful."

"Thank you. Oh, this is the SVTV room. It's where they film and edit the episodes each week. It's really fun."

"Have you done SVTV?" Tate asked.

"I actually have. It's so fun to film."

"I hope to see those episodes." He smiled. I noticed he was offly close.

"Um, y-yea. I'll have to show them to you sometime."

We got to the end of the tour and I led him to his first hour.

"Thanks again for giving me a tour, Mia." He pulled me into a hug. I ended up hugging back, surprised. I actually really liked it. He pulled away quickly.

"Sorry about that." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay. It's been a rough few days, I needed that." I answered.

He smiled. "Glad I could help."

We both walked into our first hours. Mine was English. My favorite class. I've always loved reading and writing. My teacher, Mr. Anderson, was the best teacher ever. He handed us our syllabus, told us the rules, and then told us what we'd be reading this year. The bell rang and I headed to my second hour. Sports Psychology. Mr. Chase did the same thing Mr. Anderson did and the bell rang. I walked to my 3rd hour. Seminary. I love seminary. Brother Ferrara is the best seminary teacher I've ever had. Advisory came and went and I walked to my fifth hour. Calculus. I despise math, but I gotta take it, for some reason. The bell rang and I walked to my sixth hour. Chemistry. Mrs. Phillips was awesome. I ran to my seventh and final hour of the day History. I love history. Pretty soon, I was walking to my car to head home. When I started my car, my phone instantly connected to my car's bluetooth and "Percy Jackson" started playing. I sat in my car, listening to the music. I leaned my head against the headrest, rested my hands on the wheel and broke out crying. I heard the car door open and someone pulled me out of the car. They wrapped their arms around me and ran their hands through my hair. 

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