Tate's POV

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After Mia headed to class, I watched her walk off. Dang she was beautiful. I walked into calculus. My schedule went Calculus, Weights, Chemistry, Advisory, History, English, and Art. My classes went really smoothly. Most of the girls in my classes were flirting with me. I paid no attention to them, because I already found my dream girl. She just didn't know I'd found her.

After school, I was walking to my truck when I noticed Mia hadn't left yet. I walked closer, only to realize that she was in tears. I opened the door, pulled her out, wrapped my arms around her, and just let her cry in my chest. I saw Ella walking over. I waved her off, signaling that I had it covered. She smiled and walked off. I ran my hands through Mia's hair as she cried.

When she started calming down, she looked at me. "I'm so sorry, you didn't have to do this." She managed to say between shaky breaths.

"I wanted to help. You're my friend now, Mia. I wanna help."

She smiled. "Thanks. I need all the help I can get."

"Is it okay if I ask why?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "I have depression, anxiety and PTSD."

"How can I help?" were the first words out of my mouth.

She looked at me. "What?"
"How can I help?" I asked again

"Just be there for me, listen to my rants, all that. I have flashbacks, so calm me down. I may end up calling you in the middle of the night......" she trailed off.

"Can I follow you home? Are your parents okay with that?"

"My mom died last year and my dad left. I'm on my own so yeah, you can follow me home."

She climbed back into her car and I walked to my truck. I followed her home. I realized she didn't live that far from me. When we got inside, I looked around. It was so clean. How did she balance a clean home, school, living alone, dance and her struggles?

"So can you tell me about your PTSD? What caused it?"

She paled. "You don't have to tell me, if you're not comfortable."
"No, I need to tell someone," She took a deep breath. "When I was 12, my dad started drinking. He was always arguing with my mom. Then he started abusing both of us, my mom taking most of it. She always tried to make sure that I was out of harm's way. When my mom died, he said that I was worthless and walked out. I've been on my own ever since. "
"Mia, that's awful. Have you heard anything from your dad?" I asked.

She shook her head. "He doesn't care about me anymore."
I pulled her into my arms, trying my best to comfort her.

We spent the rest of the day together. I noticed the time and said, "I should probably head home."
"Wait," She called. "Can you maybe spend the night tonight? I don't wanna be alone." She rubbed her arm, looking at the ground.

"Hey," I said, putting my hand under her chin, gently raising her head to look at me.

"Of course I will," I said. "I'm here."

She smiled and hugged me. Mia ran off to get some dinner started for us. I pulled out my phone to call my mom to tell her that I would be staying the night at a friend's house. I walked outside to give her details.

"Hey Mom, I'm gonna stay the night at a friend's house. I met her at school today."
"Her?" I knew I was about to get teased really bad.

"She's Ella's friend. She came that day Ella came to help me. Mom, she's awesome. She's so pretty and gorgeous and amazing. She asked me to stay tonight."
"Are her parents okay with it?" my mom asked.

"About that......um.......her mom died last year and her dad walked out on her. She lives on her own......" I trailed off, wondering if I should tell her about Mia's depression, anxiety and PTSD.

"She lives on her own? Can I talk to her?"
"Yeah, let me get her."
I walked inside. "Hey Mia, my mom wants to talk to you."
"Me?" Mia asked.

I nodded and handed her the phone.


Love? What's that?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن