Chapter 1

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Meeting George

A/n: Hi! Welcome to the first chapter of this story! This chapter- probably every chapter too- contains swearing so if you don't like that then read with caution. I'll have the list of warnings in the description of this story :)

Wednesday, 3:22 am

George is flying to Florida. I'm gonna see him in person. It'll be weird for me because our relationship has always been different to other people's friendships. I think I like him. We flirt but I guess it's platonic? I know he only makes jokes about us being together. If only he knew I never meant them as jokes.

The plan was for Sapnap to pick up George, since I didn't want to. Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to meet George, however now I'm a bit scared to. Sapnap had reassured that he would take away some of the pressure and pick him up instead but he hadn't woken up on time, which hardly ever happens.

I wake up at 3 in the morning, mostly because I know George is coming and went to check on Sapnap. He is passed out on his bed, I try to wake him up but he just yells muffled sounds of anger and groans into his pillows. I left his room, sighing because I know what had to happen. I quickly text George.

Dream to George:
D: hey, just letting you know that I'll be picking you up instead. Sapnap is in his sleeping arc 😂

He wouldn't reply since he would still be on the plane but I wanted to make sure he wouldn't completely freak out when he landed.

I get ready. I have a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. It is almost time for me to leave, that's when I hear Sapnap's door close and he walks downstairs, "so I may be a little late."

"You think?" I chuckle whilst I finish my last piece of toast.

"Dude.. I stayed up late last night playing valorant with punz," he rubs his face, sits down on a stool and then leans his head on his hand.

"Well you should've gone to bed earlier, you knew you were picking up George," I begin boiling the kettle. I know Sapnap drinks coffee, as did I, so I thought I'd make us both one.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry," I could tell he feels bad and to be honest he's had a rough week. I didn't blame him for staying up all night.

"It's fine, I mean eh but I'm taking care of it," I try to reassure him and myself, I don't think I truly understand what I'm doing. I start measuring the coffee and sugar into our cups. I use a travel mug because I wouldn't finish it in time.

"Thank you man, wait- you're gonna get George?" He props himself up with a slight smile and a hint of worry in his eyes.

I sigh just as the kettle boils and pour the water into the cups, "yes."

"How are you feeling about that?" He asks as he grabs the milk from the fridge. I smile when he passes it to me then remember the question he asked.

"I'm nervous as shit," I answer honestly, pouring the milk in and stirring our drinks with the teaspoon.

"Don't be. George will literally drool over how you look," If I had drank my coffee, I would have spat it out right now.

I hand him his coffee and lean against the counter, taking a sip of mine, "He will not.. stop."

"K- Maybe the drool is a little excessive but trust me, he'll think you're hot," he winks jokingly and suddenly I regret ever inviting him to live with me. Not really though, it is nice to have some company.

"I am this close to hitting you! I knew I shouldn't have told you," I mumble as my cheeks get warm.

"Are you gonna tell him how you feel while he's here?" Sapnap has a smirk situated on his face. He knows what he is doing but my god it is pissing me off.

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