Chapter 3

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Only My Cuddles

A/n: hi! Welcome back to the third chapter of this story and some more cuteness ;) this is mainly fluff with a little bit of angst and jealousy. Swearing is also included. Also would like to mention that the songs above usually only have slight relation to the story.

I might start moving the word count up here.

Word Count: 1885

Friday, 1:01 pm

Someone screaming at the top of their lungs is something not many people would wanna wake up to but unfortunately that's what happened today.

"What the fuck do you want Sapnap?! I'm trying to sleep," I groan at the alarming voice and begin to feel a warm presence of someone on my upper body. I remember that George slept in my bed again. He shifts against me, cringing from being woken up.

"Morning George," I smile and speak softly so that it doesn't annoying him too much

His hand that has been on my back since last night, slowly moves in circles and he replies with his eyes still closed but a light smile on his face, "morning."

The clearly conflicted boy groans and expresses his frustration quietly but also loud enough so we could hear him, "it's not morning. It's the afternoon."

"Whatever, we only just woke up so-"

"Exactly! So- can you just stop being so lovey dovey and get ready so you can film with me?" Sapnap whines, dragging out the 'e' at the end.

"We'll be out in a second," George croaks and waits for the sound of the door closing to whisper, "or not," before completely snuggling back into my body.

I chuckle softly at his action, "We should get up though."

"He'll be fine," his voice is muffled and sending vibrations through my chest.

"We should still get up though."

"Why?" He sits up slightly, and a bit too close to my face if you ask me, smiling at his next question. "Don't want my cuddles anymore Dream?"

"No I definitely do," I say quickly, because it's the truth. That's really all I want. It's so comforting and I love it. "I just- I want to film with you guys."

"Fine, get out then," George sighs and tries to act mad, I'm assuming to annoy me but I'm so awesome that he can't stay mad for long.

"This is my room George," I raise my voice playfully and laugh, causing George to break into a smile.

"That's unfair," he pouts and gently bangs my chest with his hand. "You literally have an advantage because your laugh is contagious."

"It's not unfair, it's just- helpful," I smirk, looking down at his beautiful face that I will never stop thinking about.

George rolls his eyes and gets up to leave the room, "I will get you back Dreamy."

That nickname!

I switch my light on to start getting ready, through a moment of walking from my door to my set of drawers I suddenly remember all of yesterday. I smile softly, the power is back on.

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