Chapter 7

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Losing George

A/n: oh my god hi, I'm back! It's been so long since I've updated this book-wait let me check- holy moly it's been almost two years 😬 (now probably longer) Anyway, how is everyone doing? God this feels so surreal that I'm coming back to this book, but I promised I'd finish it no matter what. Also can you believe it? I've been a fan of kpop for basically two years now, which means I've broken my one year curse. I don't even care if kpop isn't always going to be my thing, but the fact I was able to make it passed the one year mark, makes me so so happy!
Wow, this has turned into an extra long note, I'll get on with the story now...
This is a very fluffy chapter imo, with some sexual tension but it's not that bad, they joke a lot. This is also the final chapter, but I might do a chapter that is based in the future :)
You can start the song whenever <3
TW!! there's swearing in this chapter as well

Word Count: 2524

Wednesday, 9:12 am

A loud and echoey crashing sound wakes me up, I tilt my head to my left and the bed is empty. I sit up quickly, wanting to investigate the sudden noise.

"Sorry," George tenses his face as he peers his head around the doorframe of my bathroom. "I dropped my deodorant."

"That's okay," I smile softly, running a hand through my undoubtedly ruffled hair. I hear more cluttering sounds from the bathroom, "Eager to go?"

"Eager to get back into bed with you," he smirks playfully, whilst still looking at what he's doing. I chuckle but secretly I want that so bad. George's tone shifts into a more serious tone, "I'm packing now so I get some more time with you guys."

"Aww gogy, are you gonna miss me?" I fake pout to mess with him. He looks at me with a curious glare before he replies, "Of course I am, what kind of question is that?"

"More than Sapnap?" I ask jokingly, with the same pout still imprinted on my face.

He comes out with his bag and sits at the edge of bed, nodding his head and smiling. He carefully puts his finger up to his mouth and whispers, "shhh, don't tell him."

"I HEARD THAT DICKHEAD!" Sapnap, who obviously heard me say his name, shouts from somewhere outside of my room, leaving us to laugh loudly at him.

"Naw- Sappy nappy is jealous!" George teases while he starts to put all his clothes that he's left in my room into the bag.

I take this as my cue to get off my bed and open my drawers, I grab a t-shirt and slip off the one I wore to bed, before putting on the other one. I turn myself sideways, unintentionally facing George and soon find him staring out of the corner of my eye.

"Take a picture Georgie, it'll last longer," I wink light-heartedly and he smiles gently whilst pulling his head away from me, "shut up."

"Do you need one on your flight back home? I can take a photo if you'd like?" I tease him some more, just to see more of his flustered reaction.

But of course George figures out a way to evoke the same response in me.

"Clay." My stomach flips and my heart flickers at the sound of my real name, it only happens when George says it and he says it pretty fucking hotly because he voice is croaky in the mornings.

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