Chapter 4

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Too Close

A/n: hello and welcome to the fourth chapter of this story! This chapter has swearing but also majority of it is light angst.

Word Count: 2204

Saturday, 11:39 am

I wake up to an empty bed.

I didn't mind sharing with George but maybe he didn't like it as much as me if he slept in his own bed last night, especially after cuddling on the couch. I walk out into the kitchen and start boiling the kettle. I notice a leg poking up from the couch and I can't tell if it's George or Sapnap. I glance at the colour of the pants and make the judgement call of who it could be.

"Who knew mr georgenotfound would be up before me?" I smirk, watching the brunette poke his head up from behind the couch head. I was right, only George would wear grey sweatpants.

"I'm just special like that," he smiles back before nervously asking, "Um- could you make me a coffee please?"

"Okay," I chuckle a little, since it's quite simple to make one. "Why didn't you just make one yourself?"

"I wasn't sure I was allowed to," he speaks shyly, looking away from me. I think he's picking at his pants, I can only see half of his knee.

I sigh, loud enough for him to hear, "we need to make something clear. You can have whatever you want here George. As long as you don't steal Sapnap's chips.. he'll kill you."

George laughs, "I won't touch his disgusting chips."

I smile slightly, "but you can have any of my stuff. I don't mind sharing... especially with you."

"Simp," He mumbles.

"Rude," I say dramatically, as I point at him and smile, this makes him laugh even louder. Sapnap's probably awake now.

I turn my attention back to the beeping kettle and make our coffees, of course with the help of the lovely Georgenotfound.

We sit on the couch and start drinking from our cups. George mentions the video we filmed yesterday.

"I still can't believe we actually beat the game, well- Sapnap technically did but we helped," we both laugh, I see that George hasn't been drinking any coffee from his cup in a while. So I ask if he's finished.

"Uh yeah," I gently take the cup from his hand and make my way to the kitchen sink. "Thanks."

I rinse the cups then walk back to the couch, George is on his phone, smiling like crazy.

"Whatcha you looking at?" I grab the phone from his hands, he however closes the app before I can see it. "Aw- I was so close to finding out your secret."

"Dream, give it back," he says nervously but also seriously.

"Hmm- I wonder what's in your camera roll," I pretend to click his photo album. I wouldn't actually, that's an invasion of privacy.

"I'm serious, give it back!" He whines and jumps over the couch to grab it back but i run around the left side of the couch before he could. He follows me, grabbing my arms tightly but it didn't hurt.

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