18. Dates- R18

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" I knew the second I met you
That there was something
About you I needed. Turns out
It wasn't something about
You at all. It was just you"

It has been months since we have started dating, I have never been as elated as I was right now. This was the best thing that happened to me since the trauma that I suffered. Never in my life I thought I would fall in love and that with an angel who has turned my life upside down. He came into my life when I had lost all hopes and will to survive. He became my sunshine in the darkest days of my life.

Like the above quotes says "I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed" this quote resembles me so much. The moment I met you, I knew you would be my shore that would save me from drowning from the deepest and darkest depth of the sea.

Ronin and I were in total bliss. We were so lost into eachother and so much in love, everyday with him was a new joyous day for me. He gave me the love and care that I was craving for from my family, he accepted me the way I was and took the burden of my pain. He was soothing me like a balm and slowly healing my wounded heart.

He bought the lost smile in my face, falling in love with him was the best thing that happened in my life. Did I ever thought I would find such a fine specimen of man in my life? I only dreamt about falling in love with this kind of person but never ever thought that my dream would come true.

Everyday spent with him was the happiest days of my life, the days spent with him had carved into my mind like a never ending tunnel of memory; a memory that kept me going and always made me realise that I have someone who loves me with all his heart.

There was not a single day when we would not meet or have a endless talk on the phone, it had become a habit to meet everyday and if we would not meet for even a one day we would feel incomplete and miss eachother.

He was such a gentleman he gave me the respect that every girl deserves. With every dates he would shower me with flowers and gifts but I'm the type of girl who wanted love, care and support rather than gifts or flowers and he loved that about me. He would say my sweet girlfriend is so simple yet elegant and is beautiful from inside and outside. He also hated the way I had been treated at my house. He would say I never want to see my heart cry now, I only want to see my girl happy and full of life. I don't know how I became so lucky.

So many people would bad mouth about me to him but he fought with them saying " Do you really know the real Aiyla? How she is? It's you people who are evil and my Aiyla is good, honest and beautiful from inside and outside; so don't come and speak ill about my girl cause she is the most amazing girl I have seen or met in my life. He never listened to any of these assholes and kept on loving me and respecting me.

And I knew I'm a lucky bitch to have him in my life; I knew I made the right choice by accepting his proposal and agreeing to be his girl.

I still remember the day when he proposed me and told me he has fallen head over heels in love with me. It was such a beautiful summer afternoon, I wore a short cream colored wrapper skirt matching with white sleeveless t-shirt and he was wearing a jeans and shirt, as usual looking so cute taking my breath away. I was still the shy girl and everytime we meet I would be more flushed hesitating to sit with him or hold hands. So it was this day he told me to sit together with him and after hesitating for a while as usual I sat with him. He then took my hand in his and looked into eyes! Oh my gosh I was melting the way he was gazing at me I felt like he can see through my soul, it was filled with so much love and lust.

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