Meeting Aiyla

19 14 0

¶Ronin PoV¶

"I fell in love with her
When we were together,
then fell deeper in love
With her in the
Years ApArT"


After last night call with Aiyla I could not sleep, I wanted to talk to her and tell her I'm here for her now and I wanted to meet her and know everything about her life after I left her.

Whole night I was tussling and turning waiting sun to rise. I knew her schedule through Debbie, she had told me Aiyla has morning classes so she will be awake early to go to college.

Hours went by and finally the sun rose, it was the beginning of the new day for me.

At 5:30 Am I called Aiyla and after few rings she picked up her call, she was silent hearing hearing my voice and I kept persisting to talk to me cause her silence was like a slow death for me.

Finally she spoke and told me that she wanted to meet me...I don't know how she knew what was in my heart, I guess this is what called a heart to heart connection.

Hearing her say that I was happy and content and I asked her "how did you that I was going to ask you to meet me today"- she said I know you very well and without you saying anything I can understand what's going on in your mind.

She told me to meet after her college ends but me being impatient person I told I will pick her up and drop her at the college without giving a second thought she said yes!

But I had other plans in my mind as I wanted to spend the rest of the day with her and know about everything.

After talking for a while we ended the call and I started getting ready.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in jeans and blue and white striped shirt- shirt which was given to me by Aiyla.

Yes! I have kept all her gifts till now it was the only things accompanying me all these years when I was apart from her.

As soon I finished getting ready, I took the things I had bought for her and collected within these eight years.

All the birthday gifts, valentine's gift, new year's and Christmas gift and the things I bought without any occasion.

I have imagined her 1000 times in my mind wearing those clothes, carrying these bags, walking on those shoes and wearing the perfumes I knew she liked.

I have never forgotten how her hair sweet mixture of dove shampoo and bubblegum flavored conditioners.

Never have I forgotten her body fragrance' toxic and addictive.

Especially when she wore her favourites perfumes "Sweetheart", "Envy", "Zara- fruity flavored" and "Enchanter" those fragrances would make me go crazy and hot.

Even her natural body smell is addictive, she never needed to spray one in her body.

I love her more when she goes for her natural look.. damn she is so beautiful naturally.

While thinking about all these things, I drove my Kia Sports jeep towards her home.

I was so happy finally I would be seeing her again, touch her again, hold her in my arms and make her forget all the pains she had been through all these years.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not even realized when I had arrived at Aiyla's home.

Upon reaching I gave her a call and told her I was outside her house.

And there she was all in her glory, so beautiful...she has even grown more beautiful than before. I loved the fact that she has grown healthy than before.

Now she had all the fatty curves which I liked in a girl.

At times when we were together I had told her to gain weight so many times but she always said no matter how much she ate she never gets fat, I wonder now how did she gained her weight so suddenly.

A sudden realization hit me hard so many things about her have I left behind.

Throwing all these thoughts from mind I opened the door my Jeep and went to her.

Here we are standing face to face so close to eachother looking into each others eyes.

Our hearts beating like a marathon race, silently speaking through eyes.

Suddenly her eyes became numb and a droplet of tears fell from her eyes and my heart constricts in pain, I never like when she cried.

Her cries had always been my one and only weakness.

I took her face in my hand and wiped her tears with my thumb "saying I'm here now, here to protect you, here for you and Im never going to leave you again".

Hearing me say this, she relaxed a bit and gave me her beautiful smile..a smile that could light my soul and life.

Holding her hand I took her towards my Jeep and opened the door for her to get in.

As soon as she was seated I walked towards the driver's seat and sat inside.

It was so silent inside the jeep only our heartbeats could be heard.

Looking into each others eyes...finally we were happy, we were together and I was glad she was with me where she always my side.

Suddenly I don't know what came to me I pulled her flushed against me and kissed her tenderly.

She kissed me back with the same enthusiasm and my heart was leaping with joy cause she still loved me like before.

Oh fuck! How have I been craving for these lips and kiss all these years and at that moment I knew..."I knew she was going to be the death of me".

And I knew that moment I could never let go of her again in my life..


And at that moment I knew, I could never love anyone like I loved Aiyla

and she was the only for me, my soulmate, my undoing, my sunshine, my baby girl and she will be the only one for me till death do us apart.

Even after death and after life..if we are born again, I only wish to be with her..she will be the only girl for me that I would search for over and over again.

Sometimes only after loosing someone you will realise how much you loved that person, it was the same case for me only after leaving apart from her I realised how much does this girl meant to me and how much I have loved her.

And she had became the integral part of my life and how my life is meaningless without her.

And how she is the only one that completes me thoroughly.

I love you Aiyla now and forever!

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