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¶Aiyla PoV¶

¶Year 2000¶

Been 2 years since I lost my grandfather and Ronin.


¶ New man enters: Intro.. ¶

People say change is inevitable. The fraction of air was also changing my life into some unknown direction which was inevitable.

Today after a year I was meeting my friend Pawana. I met her while we both were giving our 10th grade exam. We instantly clicked and became very good friends. After that we have been staying in touch through messages because she lives and studies in the other part of the city.

Cafe de-mandu hmmm interesting name. So here I'm waiting for her. It's a hot summer day wearing shorts and a t-shirt so it is keeping me cool. 

The ambience of the cafe was quite cozy and warm with Bob Marley rasta music playing in the background. It's giving the cafe a hippy vibe of late 70's or 80's.

With few tourists having their lunch and asking about the city to the owner of the cafe and some sitting in the bar drinking. I started wondering how she came to find out about this place cause even though I have been born and brought up here I never knew this sort of place existed.

Wandering my eyes around I noticed the owner has dirty long black hair. He looks like a hippy himself, the way he is dressed is so grubby and bogged like he has not showered for years gosh yuck! Even thinking about it's making me sick.

Suddenly a tall slender guy wearing dress and trouser approaches me and I'm like what the fuck does this guy wants from me. He asks me what I wanted to have or drink, mind slapping myself. I realise he is here asking for my order.

"Hi! welcome to the cafe de-mandu, what can I get you- the guy asks me".

Oh hi! thank you, I'm waiting for someone so I will order food after she arrives, for now can I have some coke.

"Yes sure! will be right with you- guy said" and left to get my drink.

Been 15 minutes since I arrived here and still no sign of Pawana, the hell she is making me wait!

While I'm drinking my coke, the tall guy kept looking at me. It's giving me a creepy vibe god where is that girl. I swear I'm going to kill her.

Here she comes finally;

with all her glory bitch you are 15 minutes late. She gives me a guilty smile and says sorry Ila, I was stuck in traffic. Yup! Ila is the name she has given me for short.

She is with a guy. He has a heavily built body dark in skin colour with round face and short black hair, he looks like some Indian guy, he is handsome though. I will tell you that.

The guy introduces himself- "Hi I'm Rishi! I have heard so much about you from Ana". What the hell Ana! till now I have not heard anyone calling her by that name and I'm shocked, lost in my thoughts I forgot to say hello to him. So stupid.

Pawana pinched me and said where are you lost girl. Rishi is saying hi to you! Mentally eye rolling myself I came out of my trance and introduced myself as well.

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