The Bitter Truth

21 16 0

¶Aiyla PoV¶

I fell in love
with his soul
before I could even
touch his skin.
If that isn't
true love then
please tell me
what is.
* * * * *

Near the lake, lied a small cottage restaurant built with bamboo, gentle cool air was blowing in the hot summer day indeed it was a beautiful day for me today.

After eight years I was finally in peace, my soul was the happiest at the moment.

I was at peace today, my mind and body relaxed with the person behind me holding me tightly like I would disappear somewhere but where would I go, this...this is where I belong. belong.with.Ronin.

He was the air I breath in, he was the person I would die for, he was the peace I needed in my life. Most of all he was the soul that kept me and my soul sane.

Being there at the lake with him made me calm and relaxed. In the past, It was the place where we use to come for dates when we needed some time to cool our mind from all the hustle and bustle of the city.

And after all these years it has not been changed a bit.

As the owner of the restaurant had become good friend of Ronin in the past, he welcomed us with a warm hug and was happy to see us.

He arranged a table for us near the lake so that we could enjoy our personal time away from all the other guests.

Somewhere deep down I was scared...scared to confess everything to him as I did not know how he would react or say.

Would he bear to accept me?

These sad thoughts were making me nervous and brittle.

But no matter what I would have to tell him everything cause he was not going to take no for an answer today.

I could see....see in his eyes that he was also anxious to know everything about what I had been through all these years apart from him.

He ordered some drinks and foods for us to eat and drink, slow flowing of the water and birds chirping was like a music to our ears, beautiful nature and us together what else did we need.

It was just like old days but if I wanted to open up about the things I had been through then we needed to be in some secluded place, in a room where people can't see me crying my eyes out cause I knew I would definitely pour out all the pent up pain and frustrations hidden inside me.

So I asked him if we could go inside a cottage room where I would be comfortable speaking about everything and he understood.

Ronin asked the owner if we could book a cottage room for some privacy and he lead us to one of the secluded corner room which was near the lake.

I did not know how to start or what to say but Ronin started a light conversation to make me comfortable and relaxed.

He shared how he lived without me in London and how he missed me so much.

He also said there was not a single day where he did not think about me and how his inner intuition kept bothering him about me being in some kind of trouble.

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