The kidnapping

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"Get ready for the attack. "

"Yes! See you in Goa uncle."

After one month
On the 13th September night 21.00


There was complete darkness, I hear a cat mew, I searched for it but couldn't find it. As soon as I turned around a black cat cross my way. The wind was howling I felt cold and started to shiver. Riyaz too was missing. I turned white with fright when I saw someone standing in front of me with a hockey stick. Suddenly Boom! I was hit on the head and lost conscious. When I woke up I saw myself tied to a chair and locked in a place full of boxes. I could hear some noise. People was laughing loudly as if they were drunk. I tried to yell but my mouth was shut by a piece of cloth. Suddenly something caught my attention there was smeared pieces of glass on the floor. I tried to reach it with my feet but in vain. Suddenly one of the man came in front of me and threw some water on my face. Even though I was afraid I kicked his leg with my feet. He removed the cloth from my mouth and I began to yell and said-" who the hell are you? Why am I here? What did I do to you? Where is Riyaz?" The kidnapper came near me put his finger on my lips and said- "Ssssssh cool down baby I don't wanna hear any of your nonsense so JUST SHUT UP OKAY!" He pulled my hair, opened my mouth and made me drink something that made me pass out.

Riyaz POV

On my way to meet y/n I saw blood stain on the road. I kept walking further and spot something sparkling on the ground. I walked towards it kneeled down and to my surprise I saw the diamond ring of y/n. My heart started throbbing violently through my ribs. Tears promptly filled my eyelids and a droplet fell on y/n ring. Astonished i saw blood on it. I let go of myself and fell on the road.


When i regained conscious again, i was shifted to another room and was tied to a pole with a metal chain. I tried to free myself but in vain the metal chain cut my wrist and I began to bleed a lot. I began to cry loudly so the kidnapper came to me, he removed my white scarf, wiped the blood and said-" Thank you darling you helped your real kidnapper a lot." When I heard real kidnapper my face changed and I was like what real kidnapper is he talking about has he gone nuts... Suddenly he came near me, held my wrist tightly and pour some alcohol on my wounded wrist. When he poured the alcohol on my wrist I couldn't stop yelling so he strangle me and bang my head with the pole, he tied my wrist with his handkerchief and went away. I looked at my watch and saw that it has been 3 hours since I got kidnap. I began to get worried about Riyaz as he must be worry about me and suddenly my pulse rate quickened thinking about what if they did something to Riyaz. I began shouting my voice out by saying- "YOU BLOODY FUCKING KIDNAPPER WHERE THE HELL IS RIYAZ WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM PLEASE TELL ME ORELSE...!" I suddenly stopped as the kidnapper was approaching me with a knife. Everywhere was silent I could hear his steps and he gave me a smirk that made me shiver. He began to approach near me and I started breathing heavily. He took his knife, put the blade near my throat and whispered- "SHUT UP YOUR BLOODY MOUTH ORELSE WE WILL KILL YOUR BOYFRIEND!"  he made me sit down and sat next to me and began to play with his knife. Out of the blue he stopped, looked at me and said-" it's time for action let's trouble your little baby Riyaz..."

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Love you all

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