𓇽☂︎︎Giyu X Tanjiro☂︎︎𓇽

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This will be a fluff angst because I want to cry ('༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') but I hope you enjoy and this is also a au where demons never existed so basically a modern au so enjoy! ☻︎
3rd Person POV
Recently a boy named Tanjiro Kamado had gotten caught in a car accident, causing him to get severely injured. When the ambulance arrived they saw a horrifying scene, blood around the younger boy's face eyes shut and lying there unconscious on his dash board. The ambulance quickly started treating the younger male, one of the treaters was the top in the city.

None other than Shinobu Kocho she was know for making poisons and healing poisons. She would also make herbs and other health things, but back to the situation after they got Tanjiro on the stretcher clearly worried he would lose too much blood and would end up dying slowly.

{𝕋ime skip}
1 ℍour Later
𝔾iyu POV
I got home from a long day at my office just hoping to relax like I always do, when I got changed into some more comfortable clothes I sat down not before grabbing a book to read while I listen to the news. I then heard my boyfriend's name and looked up to see the Tv...and I heard the most horrific thing.....He had gotten into a car accident. When they showed the footage it was even worse, blood all over the dashboard all over his head and him lying there unconscious.

I was mortified by the scene that I just hurried to change my clothes. I knew that I would be there on time because he was transferred to the hospital an hour ago. I got my keys and unlocked my car as fast as possible. The only thing I could focus on was Tanjiro, I promised him I would stay by his side no matter what would happen and I couldn't even keep that promise

𝕋ime Skip
25 𝕄inutes latter

I finally made it to the hospital after 25 minutes of driving, jogging through the crowds just trying to find his room, eventually I found it, "room 209". I quickly opened the door seeing hime wrapped in bandages all over the head IV tubes and more, I felt so guilty, I couldn't even protect my own lover yet get to be with him when he was being transferred. "I'm so sorry..." I said while holding his hand,

{I'm so sorry 🥲}
{𝕋ime Skip}
𝔻octor POV
"Sir I have some news about Tanjiro Kamado?" One of my nurses asked "yes what about him?" "Well he seems to be in better conditions and should wake up around today or the next three days" I nodded my head and spoke up "alright thank for this information" "of course sir" then the nurse walked away. I sighed remembering I had to check up on the young man 'I guess I should get going' I thought before walking to "room 209"

I opened the door to see another man holding the young boys hand, he looked like he was crying for the past few hours. I walked over and tapped his shoulder "excuse me sir?" He opened his eyes and looked at me adjusting his eyes "yes?" He answered he sounded quite tired "May I ask why your in his room? Not to be rude or anything just no one has visited" "oh it's fine, I'm his boyfriend Giyu Tomioka" he answered "ah I see I just came to do some check up's" all he did was nod his head
________________3 days later♡︎________
𝕋anjiro POV
I woke up feeling a little light headed, I turned my head to look to the left and I saw my lover Tomioka~san or as he likes me to call him giyu. I felt a sharp pain on my left of my four head I managed to whisper out his name "g...giyu?" I spoke out quietly but not too quiet, giyuu jolted awake and looked straight at me "T-tanjiro?" He then ran up and hugged me tightly but not to tight to hurt me "giyu?" "Yes tanji?" "What happened?" "You got into a car accident and got knocked out for three days" he sounded so broken.."well I'm here now so you don't have to worry" I said as I played with his hair "I know" he mumbled while laying his head on my chest.

After a few weeks of recovering they let me out the hospital, of course giyu helped me walk since I was stumbling a little but it felt nice being with him again. While he was driving I put on some soft music for both of us to relax and listen to "so Giyu how was work during the..incident" "it was hard to focus I kept thinking of you and hoping you would wake up but here you are now sitting in front of me" I chuckled while giving him a loving smile "I promise I won't go anywhere and trust me I'll keep this promise as much as I can" "I hope you can do that for me" he said as he had one hand on the wheel while the other on my hand rubbing it softly "I will" I said as I looked out the car window 'I guess it's raining now, how fun' I thought before blacking out.
___________almost there'・ᴗ・'____
𝔾iyu POV
When I started slowing down and parked into the driveway
{this what the house looks like btw}

 I turned my head to see my lover sleeping, he looked so peaceful I smiled slightly before getting out the car and opening his side of the car

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I turned my head to see my lover sleeping, he looked so peaceful I smiled slightly before getting out the car and opening his side of the car. Once I opened it I got him out carefully and carried him bridal style, I got the keys out my pocket and unlocked the door. I then set him down on the couch

{another photo on what it looks like again}

I got a fluffy blanket that was on the corner of the couch and placed it over him, I started admiring his beautiful features, I then noticed a strand of hair tickling his nose so I wiped it away from his face

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I got a fluffy blanket that was on the corner of the couch and placed it over him, I started admiring his beautiful features, I then noticed a strand of hair tickling his nose so I wiped it away from his face. I went into the kitchen getting ingredients for his favorite meal, a fancy spaghetti and meatballs

𝟛0 minutes later__________
I finished the food and went to go wake him up but to my surprise he was already up "babe" I said as I sat next to him "hi" he still sounded sleepy and just rested his head on my shoulder "come on we gotta eat before it get's cold" "mm fine" we both stood up from the couch and walked over to the dinning area. After we prayed and said our thanks "is it good?" I joked as I saw him chowing down on the food, he nodded his head with a childish like face but I thought it was cute

After we finished eating it started getting late so I grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs. "Do you wanna change in the same room or separate?" "Same room" he answered I got changed into a dark blue shirt with some grey sweat pants when I looked over a saw that he had black shorts on with a teal shirt, though I could see his bandages. After he got in bed and wrapped a blanket around his head he motioned me to come over and sit in front of him I knew what he wanted so I just sat there and took out my ponytail. He started playing with my hair while I turned on some netflix for us to watch. He looked sleepy so I turned on some raining sounds since he likes listen to that. I opened my arms and grabbed him by the waist pulling him closer I then put mt face near his neck and shoulder and just slept there.

                It feels nice to feel your touch again...

Word count:1373
This was a late chapter since I mainly focused on getting the requests out first then my own ones but I hoped you enjoyed like always I'll also explaining why my chapters come out in different orders and late and much more good bye!

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