Choco Chip X Roguefort oneshot: "Like a shadow in the night~!"

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Chip wandered around carefully, making sure not to make too much noise. If he got spotted, it'd be all over.

Chip looked around the room he followed the shadowy figure into. Well, it was too late to turn back now.

The room was covered in oddly calming tapestries and string lights coloured turquoise and icy blue, a small glass hanging light fixture on the ceiling tinkling as the bits of glass gently hit each other.

Chip found that there were bookshelves lining some of the walls, some of which had jars, others had just books.

Well, despite being a criminal, at least they had a good living space. Nice windows, moonlight pouring in through them like coffee out of a pot, raindrops streaking down as it poured outside.

Chip shook his head. No matter. Catch the criminal, earn father's approval, profit.

Chip entered a room, reaching the back, jumping as the door shut and the lights flicked on. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you tailing me, Detective?" A voice hummed.

Chip spun around, making eye contact. "You were very wrong, dear." They smirked.

"W-Well, I-I," Chip started, looking around. "Wh-Who's to say this wasn't a trap?!" Chip blurted out.

Roguefort chuckled, walking towards Chip as he talked.

"And-And I think you're kinda pushing your luck, so I-I-I think you're trying to scare me and it's working!" Chip squeaked.

Roguefort chuckled, patting Chip on the head. "If you wanted to talk," they hummed, pacing around Chip. "You could have just asked~" they hummed, booping Chip on the nose.

"Uh, y-you have the ri-the right to remain...remain silent...!" Chip stammered.

Roguefort chuckled, finding the smaller being's actions adorable.

"An-Anything you s-you say can and-and will be used against you in a court of law...!" Chip continued.

Roguefort tilted Chip's chin up. "So feisty for such a small thing~!" They hummed.

Chip, despite hiding it, felt immense confusion due to the ambience of the room.

It felt calming, almost, yet Chip remained in a state of awareness. Was this what Papa meant by "prickly feeling down your spine and back"?

Chip shuddered, reaching into his pocket. "Aw...Is our time up already, dear Detective~?" Roguefort playfully whined.

"I was just getting to know you~" Roguefort hummed.

Chip frowned. His heart was going a million miles an hour. Was it out of excitement? Stress? Happiness? Pride? Or was it...something else?

"Is someone spacing out on me~?" Roguefort hummed.

"No!" Chip objected.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, my, my, my~! Someone's a little tense~!" Roguefort teased playfully.

"This isn't some game, Criminal." Chip narrowed his eyes.

"It is to me~" Roguefort hummed.

Chip tensed up slightly, a ticking feeling crawling up his back. Something felt wrong. It was too peaceful.

"Why so tense, dear detective~? I would never hurt my favorite playmate~" Roguefort chuckled.

Chip scoffed. "I'm not a playmate."

Roguefort chuckled. "You'd like it to be more, right~?" They teased.

Chip's face heated up but he shook it off. "No! You're a criminal, I'm the loveable Detective who's supposed to catch you and bring you into custody!" Chip objected.

"Then why, dearest Detective~" Roguefort hummed, running a hand down Chip's cheek. "Haven't you done that yet~?"

Chip sputtered, backing into a wall. "I'm giving you a fair chance!!" Chip sputtered out.

Roguefort chuckled, Chip's heartbeat speeding up. "Are you now~?"

"I'm approximately seven foot six, you're five foot three, I don't need a chance, dear~!"

Chip stumbled for words. "Why are you hesitating, dear~? Don't you want to make your father proud~?" Roguefort hummed. Chip went to speak multiple times, but failed to find words to say.

"I...Uh..." Chip stuttered.

Roguefort lifted Chip's chin to meet their gaze. "You can't do it, can you~?"

Chip's face heated up slightly. "I-" Chip started.

"Then do it, if you're not a coward~" Roguefort hummed, holding their arms out. "Tell me off and lock me up, dear detective~ I've been a bad boy~" Roguefort mocked.

Chip's face heated up again. No. BAD. THEY WERE A CRIMINAL.

"Oh, Chippy~! What's the holdup~?" Roguefort teased.

"N-No! N-Nothing!" Chip blurted out.

"Then I guess you won't mind if I test a little...theory, hm~?" Roguefort hummed.

"Sure, I don't-" Chip froze as Roguefort gave him a quick smooch on the cheek.

"There, theory tested~" Roguefort chuckled.

Chip was frozen in place. Roguefort laughed, walking away to a window.

"Another time, Dear Detective~! Au revoir~!" They hummed, leaving through the window.

Chip moved a hand to his cheek. Darn it. He wasn't supposed to do this...but...

Roguefort had treated him nicer than most(Aside from his Papa, of course.) had...Well...Feelings can't be stopped, right?

Papa was going to kill him.

Le cœur veut ce qu'il veut, peu importe à quel point c'est inapproprié.

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