Almond and Younger Chip "Detective in training!"

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Chip looked through his backpack, making sure he had everything he needed. ID badge?

Check! Snacks? Yep! He still had the trail mix from the last time he went out! Flashlight? Check!

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Check! Snacks? Yep! He still had the trail mix from the last time he went out! Flashlight? Check!

Stuffed friend to snuggle if he got scared and his Papa wasn't there? Check! Wrench in case he needed to defend himself? Check! He zipped up his small backpack, setting off to sneak off following Almond. 

He could help his papa! He would help his Papa! He could make his Papa proud!







Why was he floating?

"Why are you out so late?" Chip giggled, legs swinging slightly.

"I wanna help!" Chip smiled happily.

"Really?" Almond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! I wanna help you so that you're a hero, Papa!" Chip beamed. 

Almond sighed. "Maybe some other case, kid. This one's too dangerous."

"Awww..." Chip frowned as he was put down.

"This one's a break-in and the criminal was never seen leaving the area. He could still be there." Almond objected.

"So? I wanna help!" Chip debated.

"Really?" Almond asked.

"Yes! I wanna help!" He nodded excitedly.

"Aww..." Chip frowned as he was put back in bed.

"The best way you can help me is if you stay at home, safe and sound."


"No buts." Almond interjected. "This is a dangerous line of work and I don't want you getting hurt."

"But I'll be right there with you, so I won't!" Chip assured.

Almond shook his head. "My mind is made up. Stay home."

Chip frowned. "But I-"

"No. Don't try puppy-dog-eyes either." Almond said.

"Okay.....just...come back safe, okay...?" Chip said sadly.

"You can't guilt trip me into allowing you to come, Chip."

"Darn it..."

"Sorry, my mind is made up."

"Papa...?" Chip asked.


"You worry about me getting hurt all 'th' time, but..."

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